Mis Escritos Y Pensamientos

When once the itch of literature comes over a man, nothing can cure it but the scratching of a pen. -Samuel Lover

10:08 PM

Last Day (Kind of)

Posted by Christa Joy |

Word Count: 50,052 (and still writing)

10:52 PM


Posted by Christa Joy |

I'm not sure how I feel about the ending of stories.  I had promised that my story would go far beyond 50,000 words, but I might be wrong.  I'm not sure if I'm rushing things or what, but the plot is winding down awfully quickly.  We'll see what happens. 

Word Count: 49,006

Less than a thousand to go!  Off to bed for now, as church is tomorrow.

11:20 PM

Day 27

Posted by Christa Joy |

Hurray for Thanksgiving, family, food, and writing!  No writing was done Thursday, but a lot of family time was had. Today (the 27th) was my brother's birthday.  That means that there are three days left of NANOWRIMO.  Can you believe it?  I can't.  Now more story is picking up more than ever.  There's no way in the world I can finish in only 50,000 words, so when I hit that mark, I'll still be writing.  The last day of NANO I will be spending 7-8 hours on the road, which means that I will have plenty of time to type, or that I need to have it done and turned in before then, since internet won't be as readily available. 

Today's Word Goal: 45,000

Today's Word count: 47,036 

Yep, I'm still a day ahead, and I only have 3,000 words to go!  Will I finish before Monday?

12:17 AM

Whatever Day It Is

Posted by Christa Joy |

It's late, but I'm writing.  Here's my new synopsis of my novel. 

Sarah is a princess, but she doesn't know it yet. Fairy Tales are for kids, at least that's what Sarah reminds herself. Now is the time to focus on real life, not the stories of knights and princesses. She doesn't have time for such things, because Sarah has a secret. A dark hidden area of Sarah's life has lain untouched for years. Now, on the verge of a heartache, Sarah must face her secret and discover that no matter her past, she will always be a princess.

Word Count: 45,427 (and still writing)

11:30 PM

Day 24/25

Posted by Christa Joy |

Just because I haven't been blogging, doesn't mean that I haven't been writing.  The final stretch is upon me, as last night I crossed 40,000 words.  I'm on the last 10,000.  My writing is happening even more at night, as I have been spending the days enjoying the holidays, then writing. 

Thanks to encouragement from my husband, and also thanks to the grace of God, I'm not behind.  In fact, I am two days ahead!

Hopefully, even though I'm ahead, I'll still be able to write, especially as we drive the three hours to my parents's house tomorrow.  Here are some numbers for you.

Tuesday's word Goal: 40,000

Wednesday's Word Goal: 41,667

Thursday's Word Goal: 43,333

My Word Count: 43,434!

That's less than 7,000 words to go, before I reach the Word Goal.  (Just so you know, there's no way that my story will be done in that amount of words.  So, even if I reach 50,000 I'll still be writing.)

9:05 PM

And We're Off!

Posted by Christa Joy |

It's crunch time.  In the next seven days, I need to write 15,000 words to reach the 50,000 word goal!  Can it be done?  Sure it can.  It will be tough, I'm sure.  Tomorrow we leave for our week of Thanksgiving break.  I'm excited to go, but a smidge worried about having the time and desire to write.  We'll see how it goes. 

Today's Word Goal: 35,000

Today's Word Count: 35,264 (and still writing)

11:24 PM

2:00 A.M.

Posted by Christa Joy |

It's sad that two in the morning is becoming a familiar face at my apartment.  Both my husband and I have stayed up late writing lately.  (His writing is completely different from mine.  Mine's fun.  His is scholarly.) 

Anyway, I promised to reveal something about the novel.  Here it is.  Sarah, my main character, has a secret.  It's a rather dark secret, and I'm not going to tell you what it is.  However, I will say that it is a topic that is rarely addressed in public, although it is becoming more prevalent in today's society.  It's an uncomfortable one.  Uncomfortable enough that I really did spend a year struggling over whether or not to address it, how to address it, and how much to address.

As I write, this topic is starting to become more prevalent in the story.  Soon it will come out boldly slapping the reader in the face perhaps.  This makes me writing much more difficult.  I prayerfully continue on, asking for guidance in the correct words to use.  So, as a warning to those of you who read Sarah's story one day, it's not the lighthearted fun one might suspect from the title.

Today's Word Goal: 33,333

Today's Word Count: 34,637  (I didn't write the 1,667 words needed today, even though I'm still ahead.  I'm trying to write extra before leaving for Thanksgiving travels and family.  It's the toughest time of the month, as so much great family time is available, but the final day is the Monday that we will be driving back.) 

10:59 PM

Day 19

Posted by Christa Joy |

It is two a.m.  Yes, perhaps it's a little late to be writing, but I was on a roll, and when a writer is on a roll, it is best not to stop them.  Since it is so late, I will only share my word counts, but be watching, because some novel news may appear in tomorrow's blog.  Just so you know, I'm very excited about my word count today.  You'll see why.

Yesterday's Word Count: 30,072

Today's Word Goal: 31,667

Today's Word Count: 33,539

Yes, that's 3,500 words in about four hours, actually closer to three.  Also, I've already surpassed tomorrow's word count.  Woohoo for being ahead!

9:33 PM


Posted by Christa Joy |

I would like to share with everyone that I am not a man-hater.  I'm not.  Now, if you asked some of my friends if I were a couple of years ago, they would probably tell you that I was.   But "hate" is such a strong word.  I, however, still claim that I am not a man-hater.  I have many wonderful men in my family.  I love them all dearly.  I even have guys that are friends.  Lastly, and bestly (which is a word that  just created) I have a husband, whom I love.  He's a pretty nice guy. 

Why am I even talking about this?  Well, I hate to ruin my story for you, but in my stories, it seems that the men always turn out to be jerks.  Ok, let's be honest.  I know a couple of jerks (a word that I do not use lightly, just ask my husband).  They may or may not be the inspiration for these characters, but the point is, unintentionally my male characters always seem to betray and cheat on the women.  Hmmm...I'm sure that some psychologist would have something to say about this.  :)

But please, if you happen to read my works, don't assume that I'm a man-hater.  Maybe one day I'll write about a woman who is a backstabber.  We shall just have to see.

Today's Word Goal: 30,000 (60%)!

Today's Word Count: 30,072

7:41 PM

Day 17

Posted by Christa Joy |

I cannot believe that there are less than half the days left of NANO.  Be warned, that NANOWRIMO is kind of like Christmas.  It's something that you look forward to a lot, and then you get to participate in all of the fun activities, then the next thing you know it's all over.  You then remember that you have a whole year before you get to have the fun again. 

But for now, I won't think about that.  I'll just enjoy the fun while I can!

Today's Word Goal: 28,333

Today's Word Count: 28,479

9:51 PM

Day 16

Posted by Christa Joy |

In all of my excitement of being on schedule for my writing (or perhaps it was simply my laziness) I didn't start writing until 11:30 this evening.  However, only an hour and fifteen minutes later and I have reached my word count goal for the day!  Yes, that's over 1,600 words in that amount of time, and yes, I'm on schedule for two days in a row!

Today's Word Goal: 26,667

Today's Word Count: 26,700

9:47 PM

Day 15

Posted by Christa Joy |

We are pretending that today is Sunday, Day 15, when actually, it's 12:43 a.m.  Why do I make it any day that I want?  Well, it makes me feel like I'm not so far behind. Ladies and Gentlemen, I have good news!

Today's Goal: 25,000

Today's Word Count: 25,032

Doodoodoo!!!  (That's the trumpet sounded, a small trumpet)

I have not only caught up to my daily goal, but I have reached the half-way mark!!!!  I would throw things in the air and celebrate, but I'm tired.  I've already had a little too much excitement for the night (which I attribute to eating cookie dough and watching the Colts pull off an amazing upset!)

Tomorrow (today), when I get up, I can start with a clean slate so to speak. I'm on schedule!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

7:39 PM

Day 14

Posted by Christa Joy |

Today's Word Goal: 23,333

Today's Word Count: 21,676

I'm still a day behind, but I did a bit of other writing as well.  It was inspired by my novel writing, and the fairy tale part is from the novel.  I thought I'd share it with you.

The Parable of the Princess Part 1
Ezekiel 16:1-14

- An excerpt from Sarah: The Story of a Princess

Once upon a time, there lived a girl. This girl was just an average girl, in everyone else’s eyes anyway. In fact, for many who looked at her, she was below average. As a little girl, she had been abandoned, thrown away and disgraced. Still, the girl grew. Her height increased, and even without many opportunities before her, the girl flourished. The girl had grown into a young woman, ready for love, but the question that many a person would ask is, who would love her? Often the girl asked herself the same question. Who would want to love her, a dirty, abandoned, disgraced girl?

One day there passed one who looked upon the girl and saw something more. Even in her averageness they saw something beautiful. This one was a Prince, one of the most honorable kind. The Prince took the girl and promised to make her his princess. This was the last thing that the girl expected, in fact, it was so great, that she doubted that it could even be true. Soon, however, the young woman began to believe the Prince.

One day the prince brought his new princess to the castle. He gave her a bed, something that she had never had for her very own before, and delicious food to eat. When the princess was completely satisfied, the prince ordered a hot bath. There many ladies helped her wash herself, and the anointed her with costly ointments. After the bath, many fine linens arrived to clothe the princess. These were just the things that the young woman had always heard princesses had, and now she was the princess, receiving all of these fine things.

Finally, when all of this was complete, the princess was called into a room. There stood the prince. Slowly, she walked towards him, already humbled by the great things that she had received. What she didn’t realize was that, this was only the beginning. As she stood before him, the prince gave her dresses of grand silk, and fine embroidery. Jewelry followed. Gold, rubies, diamonds, and pearls abounded, covering the Princesses neck, wrists and ears. Then, at last, the prince brought forth a beautiful crown. The princess knelt before the prince, and he slowly placed the crown upon her head.

“I make an everlasting covenant with you,” he declared. “You are my princess, and you shall be forevermore.”

The Meaning of the Parable

We were born into shame. Many of us had parents and family that loved us, cared for us, and we were incredibly blessed, but we were still born into shame. The reason for this is that we were all born with a blight on our lives. Even as little "perfect" babies, we were born with sin.

Still, instead of growing up with this blight, we were offered a way out. God had already made the sacrifice; He had already offered up His life for us. We just had to accept Him and repent of our sin. When we do this, then, Christ makes a covenant with us. "Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved." (Romans 10:13) With this covenant, we become His. "I have redeemed you; I have called you by name. You are mine." (Isaiah 43:1)

He made a covenant with us, and He clothed us. "He has clothed me with the garments of Salvation; He has covered me with the robe of righteousness." (Isaiah 61:10) We were given these things, and what we don't even realize is that this is only the beginning. "And when the chief Shepherd appears, you will receive the unfading crown of glory." (1 Peter 5:4)

5:59 PM

Day 13

Posted by Christa Joy |

Yesterday I mentioned a lot about Little Women.  Here is a great music video with clips from the movie, and a song by Bebo Norman.  I love both the movie and Bebo.  I've seen him a couple of times and one of his songs was sung at my wedding.

Just so you know, I'm writing this blog probably before I finish writing for the day.  I went to get it out, just in case my internet stops working (again).

Yesterday's Word Goal: 20,000

Today's Word Goal: 21,667

Actual Word Count: 20,031

I'm still a day behind, but not too worried.  Finally, the story is beginning to flow a little better.  Thank goodness.

9:49 PM

Day 11 and 12

Posted by Christa Joy |

I do not know where my head is.  Well, I do right now, but I don't know where it was when I didn't post on Day 11.  Please don't think that I've neglected you.  All of my days are running together right now, especially since Friday here and still Thursday where many of you live.  Yikes.  Today (We'll call it Thursday, even though the NANO site reminds me that it's actually Friday) I was trying to reach the word count for Wednesday.  (Do you see why all of this is so confusing now?)  Remember, I'm a day behind.  Here are the numbers, and that's all for today, because I'm still writing.

Day 10 Word Count Goal: 16,667

Day 11 Word Count Goal: 18,333

Day 12 Word Count Goal: 20,000

My Word Count Goal at this moment (whatever day it is): 18,428

Like I said, I'm still writing.  If I could write 1,500 more words before I went to bed, I could get up in the morning and be on schedule!!!  Aahhh...  However, it's almost One here and that probably won't happen. 

An extra tidbit for you:

Little Women is one of my favorite books of all time.  I adore Alcott, and almost all of her writings (she actually wrote a few morbid murder type stories that I don't like) 

Little Women (with Christian Bale, Kirsten Dunst and Winona Ryder) is one of my all time favorite movies.

The Little Women Soundtrack (do you see a pattern here?) from the movie, not the musical, is great!  It is also perfect for writing to.  I'm so glad I bought it last summer.  If you haven't heard it, check some of it out here.

8:24 PM

Day Ten

Posted by Christa Joy |

Well folks, today I reached yesterday's goal.  I'm still a day behind.  I'm not worried, though.  I have plenty of time to catch up.  Hopefully I'll not be too far behind my Thanksgiving, because writing during all of that family and food time is a little difficult at times. 

Today's Word Goal: 16,667

Today's Word Count: 15, 153

Maybe one day I'll catch up and actually give you a run down of what's been going on in the writing.  :)

7:31 PM

Day Nine

Posted by Christa Joy |

Goodness Glaciers!  Today I wrote, I promise I did, but I didn't catch up to my goal.  Today's goal was 15,000 words.  The fun part is this...
Yesterday's goal was 13,333 words.

My word count for today was: 13,333!

I got the exact amount!  What are the odds?  That's a first.

As a side note, who can tell me what movie "Goodness Glaciers" is off of?

9:15 PM


Posted by Christa Joy |

I was sick again today.  No writing...it must all be caught up tomorrow.  Boo...

7:40 PM


Posted by Christa Joy |

Ok, as a quick follow up to my last post, I kept writing and passed today's goal by ten words.

Total word count: 11,677

6:36 PM

Week One Done

Posted by Christa Joy |

Today is day seven.  I've been writing for a week.  It doesn't seem like a long time to be writing, but technically, I should be almost 25% of the way done by now.  Haha....

I'm actually writing this before I'm done writing for the day.  Remember that yesterday my word goal was 10,000 words.  That means that today my word count should be at least 11,667 words to remain on target.  My current word count is....

10,401 words

I've still a ways to go, if I'm going to reach the goal by tonight.  I really don't see that happening, but hey, at least I won't be three days behind!

8:57 PM

Sick Day

Posted by Christa Joy |

Ok, I'm really not sick.  I wasn't feeling well yesterday, and I stayed in bed for awhile today, but even though I'm up and feeling pretty fine right now, I declare today a sick day.  Yes, I didn't write at all.  Boo... Well, tomorrow I'm spending the day in the library with my husband.  He'll study, I'll write.  Maybe I'll catch up.

Today's Word Count Goal: 10,000

Today's Actual Word Count: Whatever it was yesterday 

7:59 PM

Theme Song

Posted by Christa Joy |

Today's word goal: 8,333

Actual word count: 8,400

I shared last years playlist from NANO.  The one for this year's novel is still "in progress," but a theme song has indeed been chosen.  It's called Beloved, and it's done by Tenth Avenue North.  Here are the lyrics.

Love of my life
Look deep in my eyes
There you will find what you need
Give me your life
Lust and the lies
The past you're afraid I might see
You've been running away from me

You're my beloved
Lover I'm yours
Death shall not part us
It's you I died for
For better or worse
Forever we'll be
Our Love it unites us
It binds you to me
It's a mystery

Love of my life
Look deep in my eyes
There you will find what you need
I'm the giver of life
I'll clothe you in whine
My immaculate bride you will be
Oh come running home to me

You're my beloved
Lover I'm yours
Death shall not part us
It's you I died for
For better or worse
Forever we'll be
Our Love it unites us
It binds you to me

Well you've been a mistress, my wife
Chasing lovers it won't satisfy
Won't you let me make you my bride
You will drink of my lips
And you'll taste new life

Cause you're my beloved
Lover I'm yours
Death shall not part us
It's you I died for
For better or worse
Forever we'll be
Our Love it unites us
And it binds you to me

You're my beloved
Forever we'll be
Our love it unites us
And it binds you to me
It's a mystery
It's a mystery

7:46 PM


Posted by Christa Joy |

Today's word goal: 6,667

My word count: 6,028

I'm officially behind schedule.  At least I kept up for three days.

7:33 PM

Thou Shalt Not Delete...

Posted by Christa Joy |

A NANO saying...

Whenever you delete a sentence in your NaNoWriMo novel, a NaNoWriMo angel loses its wings and plummets, screaming, to the ground.

One of the hard things to remember during NANO is to not delete that paragraph that you hate.  After you've reached and surpassed your goal, you can edit later.  That mindset is so hard to get into.  I write and edit as I do so, but there's no time!!!  Words must be compiled!

Today's goal was 5,000 words.  I reached 5,242, way to stay just above par!

Sentence of the day:

Sarah preferred to live in the land of reality.  

6:03 PM

Day Two

Posted by Christa Joy |

Writing as a smidge easier today, but I also spaced it throughout the day more.  I get so frustrated because I am writing, and then asking, "Where's the plot!"  "What's the conflict?!?!"  I'm done with day two, and the plot seems forever away still.  That's ok.  I'll just tell myself that I'm like all of those other great British writers who wrote a 500 page novel and the plot didn't start until page 283. 

Today's word goal was 3,333.  I reached 3,407.  I like to reach my goal and cross it just a little.  Not too much though, I don't want to make the little word goal look bad. 

Oh, and if I remember to do it, I'm going to try and give a sentence of the day.  It's just one sentence that I wrote that day.   Some days may be thought provoking, others will just be odd.  Usually they probably won't make any sense at all, but maybe it will be a smidge entertaining.
Today's Sentence:

How about Taco Paco?

6:35 PM

Day One

Posted by Christa Joy |

Well, folks...the first day of NANO is almost over.  Hopefully my fellow writers have reached their goal of 1,667 words today.  It's so easy to skip a day and say that you'll make it up, but when you have to write 3,333 in a day instead of half that, well, you can see that it adds up quickly. 

I didn't start writing until 7:30 or so.  I was completely daunted by the large task before me.  However, two hours later, I've reached 1,700 words.  Hurray for reaching my daily goal!  Last year I remember the first day's goal was easy, in fact, I surpassed it by several hundred words.  This was not the case today.  The story is already coming much slower than I had anticipated.  Hopefully tomorrow will be easier.  Anyway, we're off!

2:53 PM

Zero Hour

Posted by Christa Joy |

It is only a few hours until NANOWRIMO officially begins.  However, since it starts on a Sunday this year, I will actually not begin writing for several more hours.  Right now, all I have in mind is a basic plot, and a first line.  :)  Well, that's more than some people have.  (I know so; they told me so yesterday.)  Hopefully, the next post will bring you the first of many word counts.  For now, off I go to revel in my last moments of "freedom."  As a friend of mine says, "Cheers!" 

7:58 AM


Posted by Christa Joy |

Last year's NANO novel had a soundtrack.  It's true.  That's another thing that has made me nervous this year.  I don't have a soundtrack ready!  So I have to remind myself that my soundtrack built itself up during the month of November.

Here's the listing for last year's NANO novel (Anca).

Amazing Grace  - Chris Tomlin
Beautiful - Shawn McDonald
Deep Sludge - Goofy Movie Soundtrack
Unwritten - Natasha Bedingfield
A Thousand Miles - Vanessa Carlton
How to Save a Life - The Fray
The Door in the Air - Prince Caspian Soundtrack
The Call - Regina Spektor
So Close - Jon McLaughlin
Transformation  - Beauty and the Beast Soundtrack
Red Sea - Prince of Egypt Soundtrack
August Rhapsody - August Rush Soundtrack
Grace Flows Down - Christy Nockles
Your Grace Still Amazes Me - Phillips, Craig and Dean
On A Night Like This - Dave Barnes
Brighter Day - Three Empty Chairs
Jesus Loves Me - Brian Oaks

10:22 AM

Tres Dias!!!!!

Posted by Christa Joy |

I can't believe that it's only three days until the madness begins.  I'm not going to lie. I'm pretty nervous this year.  My novel this year deals with a lot darker topic than anything I've written before, and not only will writing that be difficult, but it is a little nerve racking to think that people will be reading it.  What will they think? 

Something else that really gets me, as Sunday quickly approaches, is the fear that I am completely ill-prepared for the task at hand.  I wish I would have blogged last year as I wrote Anca, because I don't remember how much I had in my mind before I started writing.  I have this funny feeling that I only had the first line in mind when I started on the 1st of November last year.  The story just came from there. 

Goodness...we'll see how this goes this year.

8:47 AM


Posted by Christa Joy |

I am a very goal oriented person.  If I am going to complete a task, I need a "prize" waiting for me at the finish line.  I had decided sometime during last November that if I completed the contest, I could by myself a gift.  Here's what I set my sights on winning...

In case you can't tell, it's a mug.  The day I reached my goal of 50,000 words, I ordered the mug.  This year, I expect to get some great use out of it, with all of those hours of writing, needing some tea and hot chocolate to help me get by.  I wonder what my prize will be this year.

8:14 PM

New Poster

Posted by Christa Joy |

Here is another poster for my NANO novel.  Well...what do you think?

9:24 AM

It Can Change...

Posted by Christa Joy |

Well, the big question for NANO is...What do I write about?  It's all well and good to have an idea, but when you hit 20,000 words and the story is over, you sometimes have to start over.  Hopefully this won't happen.  As for now, here is my story for this year's NANO...

Here's a short summary...

Fairy Tales are for kids, at least that's what Sarah reminds herself. Now is the time to focus on real life, not the stories of knights and princesses. Still, there's something in her that longs for more.

10:08 AM

User Name...

Posted by Christa Joy |

Every account must have a user name.  Oh the curse of the coming up with said information.  I try to keep the same one for most places, but for NANO I had to do something special.  What would it be?  Well, finally, after many attempts and  "This user name is already in existence" I came up with....


Hopefully, most of my readers are not completely lost by this.  I first read Louisa May Alcott's Little Women when I was probably 8 or so years old.  (Ok, it was the Great Illustrated Classics edition, but still.)  Soon I acquired the non-abridged version, and since then I have read it about 6-8 times.  I'm not sure if you realize how big of a book this is.  My reading copy is over two inches thick.  Reading copy?   Well, yes, because since that first introduction to Alcott I've begun collecting antique copies of her works.  I have several copies that were printed in the early 1900's.  I also have several "reading copies" of the books because I don't want to damage the antique ones.

Little Women is actually not even my favorite of her works, and it saddens me that so few have read her other books.  If you haven't quite grasped my interest when it comes to all things Alcott, I wrote a 25 page paper as my senior research project in order to complete the Honor's program in college.  Yes, I enjoy Louisa May Alcott.  So, the name make sense now, eh?

3:16 PM

Mr. Ian Woon

Posted by Christa Joy |

Something fun about NANOWRIMO, is that they send you an email every week with helpful hints and bits of encouragement.  On the website, there are a bunch of discussion forms and other things too.

There's a little thing that several NANO writers insert into their stories, and it's a character called Mr. Ian Woon.  There are several other names for this character, and usually, they are fairly minor characters in the plot.  What's so significant about Mr. Ian Woon?  Well, look at the letters in his name.  There's an N,A,N,O,W,R,I,M, and O!  Like I said, Mr. Ian Woon comes in all shapes and sizes, and sometimes even in different names, but it's a lot of fun to see him appear in so many different stories.

3:22 PM

Last Year

Posted by Christa Joy |

I mentioned that last year I competed in NANOWRIMO.  I completed the competition with over 51,000 words, and then continued to finish my novel with a total of 67, 000 words.  Everyone then asks, well, when are you going to have it published?  They have no idea what this entails.  No publisher accepts manuscripts anymore.  You need an agent to get your novel "discovered."  However, there are a few things called self-publishing companies.  I've done all kinds of research on all of this, and my husband and I are still praying about what to do next.  God will have to direct us greatly.  However, if He provides us with about 2,000 dollars, I do have what seems like a good opportunity for publication through a place called Cross Books.  It's what seems the best option at the time  (minus the lack of money.)

This year, my novel seems like it might be a little bit darker than Anca (last year's novel).  We shall see how it turns out, but yes, I do have a plot and character already in mind for November.  15 days!    

7:26 PM

The Countdown

Posted by Christa Joy |

Today is October 15th, and it's almost over.  That means that there are 16 days until November 1st.  I know, I'm a bright cookie, but there really is a purpose for this countdown.  November 1st is the beginning of NANOWRIMO.   I get lots of questions about this, and really the best place for information is the website, but essentially, I have chosen to participate in a contest where people try to write a 50,000 word novel in the month of November.  Last year I did the same thing, and completed the task!  Hopefully, this year will not be more difficult than last year.

So, what I'm going to attempt, we'll see if it actually works out, is to use this blog as a place to keep you updated.  I can use all of the support and encouragement I can get.  Be prepared, mayhem will ensue.  Sleepless nights, my husband living on frozen food (well, not all of the time), and chaos, lots of chaos.  Doesn't it sound exciting?!?!?  So, countdown with me, and let's see what November brings. 

8:46 AM

Freedom Filled Eyes

Posted by Christa Joy |

The scenery was beautiful as we drove along the Ohio River. Tree covered bluffs lined part of the area, while grassy fields covered the rest. Several expensive looking homes were viewed, as well as some plantations.

We passed one older plantation. While we were driving by we looked at it and noticed out back, the old slave quarters. It is not too uncommon to find such places, as many plantations dating back to before the Civil War are still in existence. I, myself, have seen several old plantations including house, fields, barns, slave quarters, outdoor kitchens, and so forth. So, it wasn’t that which got me to thinking.

Before the Civil War, Kentucky was a slave state. As everyone who knows their United States History knows, some states deemed it legal to own slaves, while other states did not. These “Free States” were safe havens for many years if a slave could escape to them. Traffic on the Underground railroad was especially heavy in those border states, ones that touched the Free States. As I reviewed my history lessons in my mind, I realized that, while Kentucky was a Slave State, Indiana was a Free State.

When I looked to my left, I could see a place where the slaves were kept, but when I turned my head to the right, I saw Indiana. Whoever lived in that slave dwelling was able to step out of their door every morning and see freedom right in front of them.

I don’t know the actual story of the person or persons who lived in that small building, but I did begin to wonder. What did they think, living their lives as slaves, seeing freedom right in front of them every day? Did they try to reach freedom? Were they content with being where they were? Was it agonizing for them to be so close, but not there?

Even now, we are faced with the exact same situation. Humans are slaves, Jesus says this in John chapter 8, “...everyone who commits sin is a slave to sin.” Romans 3:23 reminds us that “All have sinned...” So, everyone is a slave. Thankfully, there is freedom from this slavery, and it’s right before our eyes. Jesus said that, “The truth will set you free.” What is this truth? It’s the truth that Jesus’ blood covers our sin, and He extends His grace to us, to offer us freedom from sin.

Yet, there is a problem. So many people are living as slaves in a cramped area. Freedom is right in front of their eyes. Some people see it, wishing that they could get there, but never believing that it is possible, even though a way has already been made. Others try to reach that freedom, but they do it on their own. Jesus said, “No one comes to the Father, except by Me.” We can’t reach freedom on our own. Even worse is the fact that many people convince themselves that they are content with where they are. They don’t realize the beauty of freedom. Instead, they settle for enslavement, when the joys of freedom are right before them.

Freedom is right in front of you. Don’t let it just fill your eyes, be free.

10:50 AM

Spill it...

Posted by Christa Joy |

Ok, so it's been a while since I wrote, I know. That's ok, because I've actually written, just not here. Goodness, I've been writing and writing like crazy it seems, and there's even more to be done. The good news is....I finished my novel!!! Finally, after starting it in November, I finished! I can't remember the exact amount now, but I think that there were around 67,000 words or so. Whew...I'm glad that's done, because November is fast approaching. Many have asked if I will NANOWRIMO again, and the answer is, "Yes!" I have so much to write, and I work better with deadlines.

So, what else is going through my mind today? Well, I keep thinking about Kanye West. Yes, he was stupid, but I think people are being a little harsh about it. I mean, hundreds of people do much meaner things every day, and they don't get bashed like that. What do you think? Are people being too harsh?

Posted by Christa Joy |

I have a disease. At least I think I do. See it seems that every time something new in my life happens, I need to compartmentalize and commemorate said event by sharing it with you in a new blog. I know, I have about 7 of them now, although I only update this one and my Facebook; however, I am starting another new blog. I will still write here, because it's a great place for randimosity and no need for correct grammar. My new blog is all about my new adventures of being a housewife, so check it out. Some of the posts there will be the same as some on here, but not all of them. So, check it out, ask me questions, comment on my many mistakes that are sure to come. Check it out here.

7:50 AM


Posted by Christa Joy |

I wasn't completely surprised when I glanced at the time and saw that it was already 10 a.m. Since doctors recommend 8-10 hours of sleep, I have no guilt about sleeping until 10 when I don't go to sleep until 2 in the morning. An unusually warm apartment keeps my awake, as well as a new environment. Finally I got out of bed, showered and headed to the kitchen. In my fridge I knew there was a wonderful treasure. (No, I am not speaking about pickles, although, they too are a wonderful treasure.) I am referring to the tomatoes that were supposed to go home with my parents, but got left here instead. Aahhh...what a great sacrifice they made for me. I had bacon in the bottom drawer and a new toaster to try out. After several minutes, and a few near catastrophes with a couple of ornery eggs, my husband and I sat down to a wonderful brunch. The poor boy had never been introduced to such a lovely meals as bacon, egg, tomato and cheese on toast. He's lucky he married me.

Then it was off to work. My apartment was still a mess, and I had to get motivated to get things done. Luckily I learned some time in the past year that I am very goal oriented. I need to set an attainable goal, and then I feel satisfaction in seeing thing completed. I wrote down the name of each room in my house on a separate sheet of paper (eg: kitchen, bathroom, bedroom, etc...), and then drew them out randomly. I couldn't do anything in the next room until I finished the room I was on. It worked like a charm. I finished three rooms in one day! Of course, I still don't have any clothes unpacked (the darn bedroom paper must have stuck to the bottom).

Soon the temperature began to rise again. I watched as the thermometer snuck to the upper 80's. Remembering my plight with the pickles, this day I reverted to a new means of keeping cool. It was definitely one of the highlights of my day. I pulled my frozen bananas out of the fridge. They were delightful, just the thing that I needed. I even shared one with Bert. (He had never had a frozen banana. He sure is getting cultured living with me, the brave soul.) Now, there are some things that you should perhaps know about frozen bananas. Obviously, they are cold, so I will not go over that. However, the best way to freeze them is to cut them in half, not long ways, just across the middle. Then, stick them on a fork, this way you can eat them like a popsicle, but they are so much better for you! Also, and this is of the utmost importance...make sure you peel them before you freeze them! I have learned this lesson from the wisdom of others, thank you for teaching me from your mistakes.

4:32 PM

Pickles? Yes, Please.

Posted by Christa Joy |

As I unloaded the groceries, trying to find a spot for each item, and crying at the same time, I realized that things will never be the same again. Don't take my crying as a sign that I am living a miserable life. That's not true. It was more of all of the emotion from the last month finally welling to the top of my head and spilling out of my eyes. Day Camp seems ages ago, then there was the wedding, honeymoon, and the saying goodbyes and moving. I had been so busy through it all, that I keep forgetting that I turned 24 in the midst of all of that. Sheesh.

The long awaited (and dreaded) Thursday finally arrived. We left with all of our stuff, and Bert's car packed into two trailers. It took us 8 hours to get to Clarksville, and when we got here, I was a little miffed to discover that we couldn't get into the apartment for another couple of hours. Finally, we got in, as well as getting all of our stuff in. I had no idea I had so many books. I think there are still 7 or more boxes of just my books that are packed away.

It was amazing to have family here for the first couple of days to helps us move furniture, hang things, and wash and wash all kinds of new dishes and kitchen appliances. Oh, my kitchen...I doubt this "quaint" kitchen has ever been packed so tightly. There was hardly any room for any food. So, when we hit the checkout line at Wal-Mart, and gazed into the overflowing cart, I realized that it would take a miracle to fit it all into my kitchen. That is indeed what happened. After some more crying (see aforementioned disclaimer above) I opened up a cabinet next to my refrigerator. It was like finding a 20 dollar bill on the ground. It was completely empty. Quickly I grabbed the bag of potatoes and onions and threw them in.

Apartments have their own personalities. Ours has several little quirks, which I can live with, but the one that annoys me the most (at least at this moment) is the "air conditioning." First of all, in my opinion, there is no need for it to be 7 p.m. and it still over 90 degrees outside. That is just absurd. Our little brick apartment likes the sun. It likes it a lot, and as it passes over our roof and onto the west side, my living room gets warmer and warmer. I took a nap on my couch today, surviving the warmth with our new fan blowing on me, when about an hour later, the warm room woke me up. After making sufficient complaints to my husband, and inwardly pronouncing curses on the evil ball of burning gas in the sky, I headed to the refrigerator. What I needed was something cool and refreshing. I had the perfect solution to my conundrum. I headed to the fridge and got out one of my favorite new items. It's a wonderful invention from the Tupperware company. You open the lid, pull on the handle, and walla! crisp, cold pickles come out. I love pickles. I have every since I was little, and my parents let me drink the juice from the jar when the pickles were gone. I grabbed the container and headed back to the couch. Before I knew it, I had eaten six baby dills. I watched my husband as he sat across from me, wondering how many I could eat before he took them away from me like had had done the day before. For some reason, he has this notion that I should not eat a jar of pickles a day. I agree...that is unless the AC is not working.

4:29 PM

Let's Bake!

Posted by Christa Joy |

I love to cook and bake. I prefer cooking over baking, except for making homemade bread. So, I thought I would spend some time talking about one of my favorite past times.

First - Obviously there are a few cake mix cookie recipes out there. I believe that the one I have is by far the easiest way to make cookies, so here we go..

You need:
1 Box Lemon Cake Mix
1 Container of Koolwhip
Lemon Juice
Powdered Sugar

What to do:
Pour the cake mix in a bowl, and mix it with the container of koolwhip until it is dough like. Then add about two drops of lemon juice and mix. Add more drops if you want more lemon flavor. After everything is mixed up, roll the dough into balls about an inch and a half in diameter, then roll in the powdered sugar until it is coated. Place on a cookie sheet and in the oven at 35oF until the bottom is starting to turn brown.

Wa La! Yummy Lemon Cookies!

Next time, I'll talk about my current favorite main course.

8:23 AM

The Road to Nowhere

Posted by Christa Joy |

Have you ever felt like you were on a road to nowhere. This was a common feeling in my family. As we were growing up we would often get in the car and "go for a drive." The phrase I remember hearing the most came from my dad. "I wonder where that road goes." So, down the road we would go...off to discover the path on which it would lead us. Sometimes, after endless turns and hills, it would feel as if we were actually on a road to nowhere.

It seems, at times, that my paths in life are really just roads to nowhere. Sure, God might have directed, "Take this road," but as I've gone over hills and around corners, always expecting the destination to be right there, it begins to appear that I'm really on the road to nowhere. Confusion sets in, and I begin to question God.

"Why am I on this road? I'm just wasting time. Where is the end? Am I there yet?"

A few days ago, I spent some time traveling up and down dirt roads. I was with a disaster relief team, looking for people in need of assistance after a tornado had touched down the week before. The day had been a long one, and as we turned down one of those other "roads to nowhere" my mind turned to heading home. Again we saw the telltale signs of the damage left behind by the tornado. We passed a house with a large tree down in the yard and a man sitting on his front porch. Turning around, we pulled into the driveway and introduced ourselves. The man's name was Dennis.

Dennis had been home in his basement when the tornado had hit. He had been there with family members, and even though his house was still standing, it was becoming increasingly evident that it had moved. Foundations were cracked, and doors didn't shut like they used to. We talked with Dennis and listened a lot. Although it had already been a week since the storm, we were reminded how disaster affects people for a long time afterwards. He was still visibly emotional. As we listened to Dennis, I prayed, while my Dad talked.

As far as we know, Dennis doesn't know Jesus. We shared with him about forgiveness and how God loves him. When we handed him a Bible and a tract, he shared that he wasn't much of a reader. I looked back as we pulled out of the driveway, and watched as Dennis picked up the Bible and tract we had left and was beginning to look at them.

This road to nowhere had actually led us to somewhere, or should I say, someone. We weren't expecting to meet Dennis that day, but God led us to him. So, when it seems like you are on a road to nowhere, just keep going. If God has put you on that path, there is a reason for it. It may seem like a road to nowhere, but there is a destination to be reached, and just maybe, a Dennis to share with.

6:02 PM

Then and Now

Posted by Christa Joy |

I'm one of those people who likes to see what I was doing a year ago at this time. College graduation this week, was one of those times that really brought back those "year ago" memories. I think back to my graduation, only a year ago, but so much has changed.

1. Last year, my grandpa was at my graduation. I remember that he didn't stay long for my party, because he wasn't feeling well. This year, he couldn't be better, because he's home.

2. Last year, I was moving home without a job, and no prospects for any type of future in the career world. This year, I'm back at home, having moved away,and returned again. As far as career prospects go...well the future is still wide open, although now, I have a year of office experience as well as a year of experience teaching at the college level. That pretty much blows my mind.

3. Last year, I was beginning a long journey of healing from past hurts. This year, God has brought be so far, and continues to grow and heal me.

4. Last year, in fact, this year last week, I obeyed God. I was completely honest with one of my best friends, telling him that I had a crush on him. He told me that the feeling was not mutual. This year, I am planning my wedding, to the same friend. :)

The lesson I know I've shared over and over is the one that I keep learning over and over. Por siempre Dios es fiel! Forever God is faithful. No matter what comes through the changing of time, good or bad, God is still God. In Him I can trust.

7:26 AM

The Era of 3-D

Posted by Christa Joy |

Last night, I went on a date. That last time I went on an official date I got engaged. I wasn't expecting this night to compare to the last date, but I didn't expect it to be as good as it was. See...,in my personal opinion, I had an experience last night that I had always wanted, but never thought I would experience.

I don't know if I'm making much sense. See, we went to the movies last night. I had never seen a movie in 3-D, so we decided to go see Monsters Vs. Aliens in 3-D. We got to the theatre, and let me tell you, I love 3-D movies. I thought that it would give me a headache, but it was pretty exciting. Yes, I get very excited about something as small as 3-D. Have you noticed how many movies are now in 3-D? I think that we've come to that stage in time that all of those old sci-fi books and movies portrayed. It is the era of 3-D.

Even better than the 3-D movie was the fact that Bert and I were the ONLY ones in the whole theatre. I had never had a whole theatre to myself before. It was pretty much amazing, and possibly the best movie going experience I have ever had, or ever will have. I think that it even beat out those midnight previews of movies, and the debut I went to in Memphis where the voice actors of the cartoon characters were actually there at the showing.

So, last night didn't beat that last date, but it definitely ranks up there with ice skating at Christmas, and having the whole rink to ourselves. If you haven't seen a movie in 3-D, go! And if you EVER have the chance to get a theatre all to yourself...take it! You don't have to worry about other people bothering you, or you bothering other people. It's pretty much amazing.

6:22 PM

Back Off...It's British.

Posted by Christa Joy |

Some people like to correct the grammar, spelling, pronunciation, etc...of other people. I do that many a time. Heck, I get paid to do that, but what I do not appreciate is when people try to correct me in these areas only because they do not understand what they are talking about.

For some incredibly weird reason, my natural tendency is to write with a British English. I first discovered this when a teacher edited my paper in college. She said, "Well, this is right, only if you are in England." So, I "learned" to write the American way, which I don't know why I didn't learn in the first place. However, in my own writings, I still write the way that they do "across the pond".

The last sentence is one example of the British rules. American grammar requires that the period be inside of the quotation marks. British English has the period on the outside.

Another large difference is the spelling. Which way do you spell these words?


So, just because it may look wrong to you, doesn't mean that it's incorrect English.

Posted by Christa Joy |

If this blog were my child, I would be a bad parent. It is sorely neglected. However, inspired by my faithful cousin, I will make a valiant effort to be a better writer.

I was struck with some sad news today. http://www.connecttristates.com/news/news_story.aspx?id=289324

Obviously the infamous Four Corners was originally surveyed incorrectly. The monument is actually 2.5 miles away from the actual "four corners". Having been to this place, I hold to my belief that I actually stood in four different states at the same time, just as I believe that Pluto is a planet! See what reading the news gets you?

1:18 PM

Mi SueƱo

Posted by Christa Joy |

I have a dream...

and while I am for equality of all kinds, that is not the dream of which I speak. I want to write. Obviously, I am doing so right now, but that's not what I mean. I want to write. I want to be a writer. I have always enjoyed writing, but never was brave enough to put my heart on to paper, as a teenager, at least not so others could see it. I've been afraid of failure, fearing that no one would want to read what I wrote. Writing is a funny thing because, it's not just something that you do for yourself, but it's something that you do for others as well. I want to write, so that people's lives will be different after the read the words. I love to read, and the books I have read have shaped and molded me into the person I am today. I want to help people, the way the books I read helped me.

Unfortunately, there are some obstacles in the way of my dream. One of them is the fact that I have a horrible time finishing anything that I start writing. Even though this has been a problem in the past, I now have someone who won't let me quit when the writing gets hard. So, this is my middle of the year resolution. I WILL finish my novel before I get married. I will also start on the next stories that are in my head. I will also soon decide on the required amount of writing time for each week. I need guidelines and deadlines in order to write, but I can do it. That is how I will achieve my dream.

The End.

9:03 PM

Mi Oficina

Posted by Christa Joy |

I enjoy watching The Office. I'm a fairly new fan of the series, having faithfully watched every episode from just this season. However, I am on Season 3 on my Netflix and am faithfully trying to catch up to where I am in this season. It's a fun show with just the right amount of humor. Unfortunately, today I came to a realization.

I work in an office. (That was not the realization.) I'm realizing that once you watch this television show, if you work in an office, you start comparing the things that you do in your office to the aforementioned program.

My office is a great place to work. Of course, just like with any job, there are ups and downs, but the people are great. They keep things entertaining. However, after watching The Office it's difficult to not subconciously make comparisons between the people you work with and the characters on the show. As one coworker called another one today "Our office's Michael." We say these things with no malice in our hearts. It's all in good fun, as we are all fans of the show.

One of my favorite things that comes in my office are the office "pranks." Perhaps the most important one deals with our office friend. His name is Nigel. Nigel is a gnome. Not only is he a gnome, but he is a roaming gnome. He likes to hide around the office. He never means to harm anyone, always with a grin and a waving hand, but still he tends to startle people. There was the time that he was found laying sideways in the microwave. Another instance found him hiding in the "L's" in the filing cabinet. Perhaps we are not as creative as Jim, but still, we like to have our office fun.

I was struck just this week with the comparisons between The Office and actually working in an office. I was sent on a mission this past week. See, he had some birthdays in the office. This could only mean one thing. Party! I was sent out to get party supplies, and I found myself wondering how I had received the privelege of being on the "Party Planning Committee." What an honor.

It's funny the similiarities between sitcoms and real life.

6:28 PM

Mi Vida...

Posted by Christa Joy |

Yes, it's true, although I'm sure all of my readers know by now...I'm getting married! Here is my wedding website.


8:44 AM

Unos Diversion

Posted by Christa Joy |

1. Do you like bleu cheese?NO! Actually I don't think that I've ever had it.

2. Have you ever been drunk? No I have not

3. Do you own a gun? Not me personally, no

4. What flavor of Kool Aid was your favorite? I didn't like Kool Aid, but if I had to drink it, I always went with a red color.

5. Do you get nervous before doctor appointments? Usually, yes, cause I don't like needles

6. What do you think of hot dogs? Yummy! Especially with Mac and cheese, or with Cheese inside!

7. Favorite Christmas movie? Charlie Brown Christmas

8. What do you prefer to drink in the morning? Sweet Tea, the same as any other time of the day

9. Can you do push up? Maybe? Kind of?

10. What's your favorite piece of jewelry? my chasity ring, and my diamond necklace, and my pearls

11. Favorite hobby? writing, reading, cooking, knitting, watching television, hanging out with friends, antiquing...

12. Do you have A.D.D.? No, I'm just spacey sometimes

13. What's your favorite shoe? That is tough...flip flops in the summer?

14. Middle name? Joy

15. Name 3 thoughts at this exact moment? How did I give myself a bloody nose? I want lunch. I hope the basketball games are fun today.

16. Name 3 drinks you regularly drink? Sweet Tea, Pepsi, and Mountain Dew

17. Current worry? just general worries about the future, jobs, etc...

18. Current hate right now? how my nose kind of hurts. Hate is such a strong word.

19. Krispy Kreme, Dunkin', or Timmy Ho's? I don't really like donuts

20. How did you bring in the New Year? With Bert and my brothers watching the ball drop

21. Where would you like to go? Everywhere....Spain, England, Italy, France, Ireland, Argentina, Brazil, Germany, Russia, China, Japan, Honduras, Mexico, Canada, Grandma and Grandpa's, and Grandma's, Florida

22. Name three people who will complete this? I refuse

23. Do you own slippers? Yes! my FSU ones that Sandee gave me...they are my favorites ever!!!!

24. What color shirt are you wearing right now? Red hoody

25. Do you like satin sheets? No. They are too slippery

26. Can you whistle? yes

27. Favorite color? red, green, blue, or black

28. Would you be a pirate? I would dress and talk like one, but not steal like one

29. What songs do you sing in the shower? I don't sing in the shower

30. Favorite Girl's Name? Natalie Joy

31. Favorite boy's name? William Jeremiah

32. What's in your pocket right now? nothing

33. Last thing that made you laugh? I'm not sure, but something at girl's night last night

34. Best bed sheets as a child? Holly Hobbies

35. Worst injury you've ever had as a child? I don't think I was injured as a child, badly. I fell into a pool when I was young

36. Do you love where you live? Love is such a strong word, but it's ok.

37. Revenge of the Nerds or Fast Times at Ridgemont High? I don't even know what you are saying to me.

38. Who is your loudest friend? I don't have a "loudest". We are all pretty loud at times.

39. How many dogs do you have? 4

40. Does someone have a crush on you? Yes, my boyfriend

41. What is your favorite book? That is a question that you never ask an English major.

42. What is your favorite candy? I'm not really into candy, but I like nerds, gobstoppers, and runts

43. Favorite Sports Team? FSU!, St. Louis Cardinals, Colts

44. What song do you want played at your funeral? I don't care

45. What is the farthest you have been from home? Galati, Romania

46. Do you have a special talent? I can flip my eyelids inside out...does that count?

47. Where were you born? Kirksville, Mo

48. Whose are you looking forward to getting back? Anyone who will do it.

7:17 PM

Unos Musica

Posted by Christa Joy |

I love music, like most people in the world.  However, I don’t have as much musical knowledge as the average person.  I’m horrible at remembering band names and song titles.  For some reason, lately, I’ve been in musical desert.  My many songs on my computer have sat dormant for about two months.  Even turning the radio on in my car is a rare occurrence.  I’m not sure about the cause of this, but I hope that my dry spell is coming to an end.  Music makes life more exciting. 

Something that makes my musical tastes… “odd” is that I listen to music that most people don’t listen to.   For instance, how many people actually know who Oliver James is?  His two songs that have been recorded, are in my top favorites. 

I also  love soundtracks.  No, not the average musical soundtrack from Wicked or Hairspray…I’m talking about soundtracks from more obscure movies.  In my playlists I have the soundtracks from “A Cinderella Story”, “A Goofy Movie”, “Anastasia”, “Tarzan”, “Beauty and the Beast”, and “The Prince of Egypt”.  All of these have great music, and still, few listen to them.  So, if you’d like to try a little something different.  I would recommend any of the above.

9:10 AM

Fin De Semana

Posted by Christa Joy |

This weekend promises to be the best weekend ever...

Saturday is Valentine's Day, so for all of the happy, romantic people, or people who just love chocolate, you have this day.

For those who hate Valentine's Day, you have Friday the 13th, which is the opening day of the new "Friday 13th" movie.


6:16 PM

Mis Recuerdos

Posted by Christa Joy |

Lately I've been in a rather reminiscent mood, much to the annoyance of my boyfriend who must endure endless, pointless stories about my life. I'm not quite sure what has brought on these thoughtful moments. Perhaps, it's because I feel as if I am about to step into a new phase of life. Maybe the desire to be somewhere else is also causing me to remember previously lived moments. Whatever the case may be, tonight, as I was reading yet another "25 Things About Me" (seriously, the thing is still everywhere) I remembered a moment.

See, I have had what I like to call "movie moments" in my life. This is not because I am such an amazingly astounding person that men fall at my feet with roses, or that I am so athletically proficient that I have won 8 Golds in one Olympics (Way to break my heart, Michael. If you're gonna do drugs, don't get caught on camera). Essentially, I think that these "movie moments" are like small gifts from God, just because He loves me. I call them "moments" because sometimes they last for days, while sometimes it lasts for even less than a second. Each time lasts for a moment, however long that may be. Obviously, the "movie" portion of the name is derived from the moment seeming like it could only happen "in the movies."

Now that I've thoroughly lost you in trying to explain myself...I will share one such moment with you. As a warning, if this nostalgic mood continues, I may have to continue sharing my "movie moments" of life. Tonight's remembrance was a rather short one, although I got to experience the joy of it for awhile. See, I love the ocean, and I love starry nights. They are two ways that I can look and marvel at God's glory. One night, when I was in El Salvador, we stopped at a restaurant. What I didn't know was that this place was on the beach. I hadn't been to the beach yet in our journeys through the country. Also, I had never been to the beach at night. I remember, as we waited for our food to arrive, I joined two others on the beach. There we stood on the black sand, as the waves of the Pacific lapped at our feet. I love the smell and the sounds of the ocean. For a moment I stopped. Then I could hear the next wave coming closer and closer, then the water slowly wrapped around my ankles. In that moment I looked up and saw the stars, the handiwork of God, and I marvelled. I walked up the beach a little ways, learning Spanish from my interpreter, watching the stars, and letting the cool water wash over my toes.

See, sometimes they are just small things, things that no one else will notice, but God gave me my "movie moment". It was His way of saying, "I love you."

9:00 PM

Mi Veinticinco

Posted by Christa Joy |

Right now, all over Facebook is the newest rage. Essentially someone writes 25 random facts about themselves. In my personal opinion this just goes to show how self-centered our culture has become. Seriously, now we can't just write our thoughts for the world to see, but we have to write about ourselves? Don't get me wrong, I love myself. In fact, I believe that it is quite possible that I could come up with the best "25 Things About Me" ever. Not that I'm conceited or anything, cause I'm not, but if I were, my 25 things would go like this....

1. I am incredibly glad that I pierced my nose. It hurt like crazy, but it was worth it. If I ever get engaged, I will take out the nose ring, because I don't want it to be in my wedding pictures.

2. I have been to four countries outside of the United States. Austria was the shortest visit, Canada was where I heard the most complaining (from my brothers), Romania was the hardest to leave, El Salvador is where I most want to return.

3. I love the Spanish language. Sometimes, my brain randomly thinks phrases in Spanish, por ejemplo, "No se," "Tengo una pregunta," o, "No Queiro."

4. My secret dream is to be a Sous Chef. I know it will never happen, because I would never want to work my way up to the top, but it's fun to pretend and dream.

5. I have a fairly recent addiction to Gilmore Girls, and I like to knit while watching them.

6. I have written over 50,000 words in a month. My novel is yet to be finished, because I am a procrastinator.

7. All as I was growing up, I refused to be a teacher, because that's what my mother did. I wanted to do something "on my own." I am now teaching my third semester of a college class.

8. I have, at one time or another, lived with the three girls that are my closest friends.

9. I want to travel to as many places as possible, and learn as many languages as possible, in order to share God's love.

10. I gave my heart away in the Spring of 2008. God filled me with His love like never before, and I will never be the same again.

11. If God ever allows me to have children, I want them to grow up bilingual.

12. I believe with my whole heart that God will one day have me living in another country, that His name may be glorified. (This could also contribute to the completion of #11.)

13. On the night that Bert and I started dating, we escorted a camp of children into a basement because of a tornado, drove through a storm, I broke my foot, and then we were questioned by a policeman at two in the morning. (It was a semi-emotional night.)

14. For some reason, unbeknownst to me, I started calling my brother Keiko when he was little.

15. I want to get my M.A. in English.

16. If I could pick, I would want to have six children one day.

17. I can tell you the exact moment that my eyes were opened to the wonderment of soccer. I was on a bus riding down a dirt road in the middle of Romania, when I saw a bunch of kids in a barren field with a partially round ball, playing the game. That's when it happened.

18. I love Louisa May Alcott. I've read Little Women about 6 times, and wrote a 30 page paper on how her life influenced her writings.

19. I have a grand obsession with kitchenware. I can spend forever in the store looking at appliances, dinning sets, glassware, utensils, etc...I can't wait until I have my own kitchen.

20. A bag of Sterzings, a Pepsi, and a game of cards with Grandma makes me pretty darn happy.

21. I cannot hold up three fingers. My brothers say it's more of a two-and-a-half.

22. When it comes to rules, I like to keep them. It makes me nervous to break rules, or if I think that I might be breaking the rules.

23. At about the age of 11 or 12, there were a few times people came up to me in restaurants and asked if I was Michelle Trachtenberg (Harriet the Spy). I told them no.

24. By the time I was in Second Grade, I had already been to three different schools.

25. Today I saw a bobcat run across the driveway in front of my house.

Interesting, no? You should try it too.

3:56 PM

Mi Oda A Poe

Posted by Christa Joy |

I'm not good with odes, at least, not rhyming ones. So, don't worry, I won't even try. Trust me, you owe me your thanks.

Today is a VERY special day, and I almost missed it. If I had realized what day it was, I my attire would have been assembled completely differently this morning. A time to stop and ponder the questions, "Is all that we see or seem, but a dream within a dream?" Perhaps I would have even have taken time to admire the "ashen and sober sky."

Of course I am speaking of the 200th birthday of Edgar Allan Poe. Yes, it was 200 years ago on this very day, that into the world came one of America's most interesting writers. His birth was probably the same as most others, he was born. His life was, well let's just be honest, too complex and weird, even for soap operas. His death is still shrouded in mystery, but his lines live on. Yes, I know what you're thinking, "Christa, why are you writing about some weird guy who was a psychotic pedophile?" Well, when you put it like that, I do feel a little bad about writing about him, but still, his writings fascinate me.

With such words as
"I was a child and she was a child
in this kingdom by the sea:
but we loved with a love that was more than love,
me and my Annabelle Lee."
people are often disgusted, but you know what goes through my mind?

"Wow, that rhymes really well."

Please refer to the aforementioned fact that I cannot rhyme. I think that I might have a rhyming deficiency, therefore, I am in awe of those who can actually rhyme.I am so enthralled with this dead man and his works, that when I found myself in Baltimore this past summer, I had to visit his house and grave. Well, we drove right by his house, because there was no way I was getting out of my car in that part of town, but his grave was fascinating.

This is me in front of Poe's new grave, while the picture above is his old grave. What you can't tell here is that I am wearing a t-shirt with the poem The Raven. See, I like Poe.

I really can't grasp or convey my fascination with this man, part of it has to do with his strange death. A large part probably has to do with the mysterious man that still comes to his grave. Perhaps this fascination is something fleeting, "only this and nothing more." I guess all I have to say now is to end, and there is no other way to end this blog about Poe than to conclude with his most memorable lines. "Quoth the raven, 'Nevermore.'"

7:30 AM

Es Un Poco Frio

Posted by Christa Joy |

My title is an understatement. It's crazy cold outside, and even though I've said it a million times before, I'll say it again. "I hate winter." Even as I write this, I am told that it feels like -25 degrees outside. Yes, and that's fahrenheit. One of my favorite parts about teaching ESL is to get to the day where we learn about weather. Students from all over the world, but especially those from more tropical locations, are astounded when told that in the winter that it gets below 0 degrees here. They almost pass out when they are told that is 0 degrees Fahrenheit, not celsius. You can see as they begin to try and figure in their head what the temperature would be in celsius, and then watch their eyes as realization sets in. It gets pretty darn cold in Missouri.

I'm trying to think of good benefits of the cold. So far I have....

1. There are no bugs. No normal living creature would come out in this weather.

2. If for some reason your fridge stops working, you can just set everything outside your doorstep.

3. Ice skating is a little easier in the winter than in the summer...at least in some locations.

4. It makes advocates of global warming look like idiots.

So far, that's all I've got. Feel free to list you own ideas on how this freezing weather could be a good thing.

I can think of a bad thing about this cold. I have the coldest room in my house. Last night, I tossed and turned, trying to find some warmth somewhere, as the temperature in my room dipped to a chilly 58 degrees. Not freezing I know, but not the most comfortable sleeping temperature. At least I didn't have to sleep outside.

6:43 AM

Mi Espanol

Posted by Christa Joy |

Well, perhaps it about time that I explain the Spanish titles...

It all started when I was about five years old, well maybe not that far back, but that is how old I was when my mom taught me to count to 15 in Spanish.

See, in High School, my mother insisted that I take a foreign language. Since I despised all things French (except for french fries) Spanish was my only other option. Months of listening to Spanish tapes and repeating the words and phrases was enough for me to officially place the Spanish language on the same list as the French language. I figured that it was pointless and would never use it anyway.

College came, and I realized that the time had come where I would once again have to face the dreaded conjugations and rolling of the "r's". I completed my required two semesters of the class, when, for some reason unbeknownst to myself I signed up for a third semester of Spanish. What I was thinking, I have no idea, and it was a rough class. After leaving the class I remember thinking how pointless it was.

Three months later I found myself at a Subway in El Salvador. All I wanted was a sandwich, and my brain scrambled to try and find the correct words. "Queiro numero cinco, con jamon." (Ok, so ham was not my first choice, but it I didn't know what the other meats were. It's better to be safe than sorry.) "Queires queso?" "Claro."

It was then that I realized how helpful it is, especially when in a foreign country, to know the native language. I soon was reminded of how God has given me the gift of being able to learn a foreign language quickly, especially when immersed in the language. I was sitting in the van, listening to my translator and guide speaking, when I suddenly realized that I understood what they were saying. It was a very exciting time for me.

A year later, I found my love for Spanish had continued to grow and grow. Almost every meal I ate in the caffeteria, I sat with my Spanish, speaking friends. Now, I didn't sit with them just because they spoke Spanish, but it was a small thing that I did enjoy about being around them. My comprehension and vocabulary grew and grew. I started buying books, music, and movies in Spanish. Anything that had Spanish on it, I wanted to try and read. I would drive my brothers loco by changing the tv channel to the Spanish channels.

There's just so much to love about the Spanish language. I find that often, I can express myself better in Spanish, than in English. For instance, in English, if we like a person we use the same word as when we like pizza. "Like" In Spanish, however, if you like pizza, you say, "Me gusta." If I like you, then I would say, "Te Quiero." It expresses it so much better than just comparing me liking you to me liking pizza.

Another example of the beauty of the lanuage can be found in the simple English word "housewife". How do you say "housewife" in Spanish? "Ama de casa" literally translated means, "love of house." Doesn't that sound so much better in Spanish?

Ok, maybe I haven't convinced you yet, and maybe I never will, but I can't help it. Yo tengo espanol in mi corazon y cabeza. No entiendo mucho, o hablo mucho, pero me gusta le lengua.

(I have Spanish in my heart and head. I don't understand or speak very much, but I like the lanuage.)

How God is going to use that exactly, I'm not sure, but He's given me the desire to speak Spanish, for a reason. I can't wait to see what He will do with it.

Lately I've been a little frustrated, because I have not been around Spanish, and I'm finding that I'm quickly forgetting words, and it is rare that I can even understand it when spoken. Maybe that's why the Spanish titles. I don't want to lose what I've learned, so be warned. There are probably many more Spanish things to come.

4:02 PM

Mis Ojos

Posted by Christa Joy |

Today, at work, I had a conversation about eyes. A certain co-worker was telling how everyone in his family had blue eyes, and I mean everyone, ever. When he took home his future wife, who happened to be part Native American, the first thing that his grandmother did was look at her and say, "She doesn't have blue eyes."

The question I've been asked so many times in life is, "What color are your eyes?" To which I chuckle and answer, "Well, they change." It's true, my eyes change colours. Some days they are more green, while others, blue is the colour of choice. As I get older, they don't seem to change color as much as they once did. However, my eyes seem to have a tendency to cause problems at times.

One of the first times it was an issue was in El Salvador. "Me gusta tus ojos!" "Tus ojos son muy bonita!" These sentences would follow me as I walked up and down the sidewalks of the school. Ack, I didn't know how to respond to such proclamations, so I kept walking, with my head down hoping to blend in. I had arrived, happy that I had dark hair, just like everyone else, not even thinking that some of the people I was working with had never seen eyes that weren't brown. Slyly the boys would hold up their camera phones and try to take my picture as I walked by. I was so embarrassed. Another day I was walking by a group of them talking with my translator. He told me, that they had never seen eyes like mine, and proceeded to make me stand there while they just looked, fascinated at my blue/green eyes. I felt like some new kind of animal that had just been discovered, while people fawned over it.

I think that the attention that most surprised me actually occurred later that fall. I was teaching a college class, and in the class were two students from Turkey. As I was lecturing, they were sitting there, speaking in their own language, when suddenly, one of them gets up, walks to the front of the room, and stands there looking at me. I'm a little flustered by this time, but continue to lecture. The student finally turned around and went back to his seat, where he proceeded to continue his conversation with his friend. Then he interrupts the lecture and says to me, "Teacher, what color are your eyes?" Obviously blue/green eyes are not common in Turkey either.

Who knew that the color of eyes could be such a big deal. These situations remind me of a story that I read once about a missionary named Amy Carmichael. She was a missionary to India. A story is told of how, as a child she had brown eyes, but always wanted blue ones. She even prayed and asked God to make her eyes change to beautiful blue ones. Later in life, she had to disguise herself as a native of India, in order to save children. To do so she had to dye her skin dark with coffee. It was then that she realized if God had given her blue eyes, she would never have been able to blend in as a native of the country. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amy_Carmichael

Who knew that the color of one's eyes could be such a big deal? So, tell me...what color are your eyes, or what eye story do you know?

5:31 PM

Mi Novela

Posted by Christa Joy |

In October, a friend introduced me to a wonderful, horrible thing called "NANOWRIMO." It was new, it was exciting, it was elusive...

NANOWRIMO is the shortened version of the actual title, which is "National Novel Writer's Month." Basically, in November a bunch of crazy people decide to write a 50,000 word novel in 30 days. For some reason, I decided that this would be something "fun" to do. I had always wanted to write a novel, but figured that it would be one of those things that I would eventually get to. The time had finally come. November 2008 was MY month. Questions began to formulate in my brain and invade my thoughts throughout the day. In my car, at work, or in front of the students teaching, these questions began to flow constantly. I should have known at this time what a life-sucking experience this would be. Still, I was yet to be dissuaded from the task at hand. The questions only became more as November quickly approached.

"What will I write about?"

"How can I 'cheat' and get extra words?"

"Is it NANO -RIE- MO or NANO - REE -MO?"

The first day was a success. Sure I didn't have a plot yet, but that was to be expected. Background is always a great place to start. I wrote almost 2,400 words. I thought that was pretty good, considering that I had to average 1,760 a day to reach my goal. Ah....day one was over, and I was ahead of schedule.

Everything fell apart the second day. No, I was not bitten by some nasty anti-writing bug (trust me, they do exist), writer's block wasn't a problem either. On Day 2 of NANOWRIMO, my grandfather passed away. For the next four days, I didn't write a word, and besides grieving over our loss, I had a sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach. I had already failed in my goal. I was four days behind. That was over 7,000 words.

After much discussion, prayer, and encouragement, especially from my boyfriend, I decided to try and make up lost ground and finish my novel before the dreaded deadline.

Many days, frustrations, and lack of plots later, the end of November arrived. Many times, when asked if I could go do something, my reply was, "I can't. I have to write."

It was horrible, difficult, frustrating, and I loved it. On November 30th, at 2 in the morning (22 hours before the deadline) I hit 50,066 words. The task was completed! I had reached the goal!!!!

Unfortunately, that's only partly true. I reached my word goal by the deadline, but what has that really left me with? It's left me with a 50,000 word story that isn't finished. Yes, it has been over a month since I "finished" NANOWRIMO, and yet, my poor character still don't know what's going to happen to them in the end. My poor editors don't know either. Heck, not even the writer knows what's going to happen to them. It's a sad story. Maybe I should just end the story where it is now. Sure, there would be no great conclusion, but many a great writer has left their readers "hanging". Or, better yet, I could pull a Dickens. Tie everything together and make everyone live happily ever after in the last two pages of the novel.

Whatever happens, I have got to finish it. In fact, if I were to have a New Year's Goal, that's what it would be. I resolve to finish my novel before March! Or at the very latest, I have to finish it by November. NANOWRIMO starts then, and I have to be ready to start on my next novel.

4:02 PM

Mis Escritos Y Pensamientos

Posted by Christa Joy |

Ok, for you non-Spanish speakers out there...a translation...

This blog is my writings and thoughts, "My Writings and Thoughts" technically. I don't need another blog at all, but I figured, that I had a few extra minutes, so I would see what I could do. Actually, this one will probably be much more random than my other blogs where I try to "monitor" my brain output. I need a place to exercise my writing skills, and for some reason, a Word document is not enough. There is a strange urge inside of me to bare my thoughs, or at least spew random mumblings out into the world. This could be interesting...
