Mis Escritos Y Pensamientos

When once the itch of literature comes over a man, nothing can cure it but the scratching of a pen. -Samuel Lover

10:22 AM

Tres Dias!!!!!

Posted by Christa Joy |

I can't believe that it's only three days until the madness begins.  I'm not going to lie. I'm pretty nervous this year.  My novel this year deals with a lot darker topic than anything I've written before, and not only will writing that be difficult, but it is a little nerve racking to think that people will be reading it.  What will they think? 

Something else that really gets me, as Sunday quickly approaches, is the fear that I am completely ill-prepared for the task at hand.  I wish I would have blogged last year as I wrote Anca, because I don't remember how much I had in my mind before I started writing.  I have this funny feeling that I only had the first line in mind when I started on the 1st of November last year.  The story just came from there. 

Goodness...we'll see how this goes this year.


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