Mis Escritos Y Pensamientos

When once the itch of literature comes over a man, nothing can cure it but the scratching of a pen. -Samuel Lover

3:22 PM

Last Year

Posted by Christa Joy |

I mentioned that last year I competed in NANOWRIMO.  I completed the competition with over 51,000 words, and then continued to finish my novel with a total of 67, 000 words.  Everyone then asks, well, when are you going to have it published?  They have no idea what this entails.  No publisher accepts manuscripts anymore.  You need an agent to get your novel "discovered."  However, there are a few things called self-publishing companies.  I've done all kinds of research on all of this, and my husband and I are still praying about what to do next.  God will have to direct us greatly.  However, if He provides us with about 2,000 dollars, I do have what seems like a good opportunity for publication through a place called Cross Books.  It's what seems the best option at the time  (minus the lack of money.)

This year, my novel seems like it might be a little bit darker than Anca (last year's novel).  We shall see how it turns out, but yes, I do have a plot and character already in mind for November.  15 days!    


Grandma said...

Looking forward to your new novel. You will be in my prayers. Love You.

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