Mis Escritos Y Pensamientos

When once the itch of literature comes over a man, nothing can cure it but the scratching of a pen. -Samuel Lover

6:03 PM

Day Two

Posted by Christa Joy |

Writing as a smidge easier today, but I also spaced it throughout the day more.  I get so frustrated because I am writing, and then asking, "Where's the plot!"  "What's the conflict?!?!"  I'm done with day two, and the plot seems forever away still.  That's ok.  I'll just tell myself that I'm like all of those other great British writers who wrote a 500 page novel and the plot didn't start until page 283. 

Today's word goal was 3,333.  I reached 3,407.  I like to reach my goal and cross it just a little.  Not too much though, I don't want to make the little word goal look bad. 

Oh, and if I remember to do it, I'm going to try and give a sentence of the day.  It's just one sentence that I wrote that day.   Some days may be thought provoking, others will just be odd.  Usually they probably won't make any sense at all, but maybe it will be a smidge entertaining.
Today's Sentence:

How about Taco Paco?


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