Mis Escritos Y Pensamientos

When once the itch of literature comes over a man, nothing can cure it but the scratching of a pen. -Samuel Lover

11:20 PM

Day 27

Posted by Christa Joy |

Hurray for Thanksgiving, family, food, and writing!  No writing was done Thursday, but a lot of family time was had. Today (the 27th) was my brother's birthday.  That means that there are three days left of NANOWRIMO.  Can you believe it?  I can't.  Now more story is picking up more than ever.  There's no way in the world I can finish in only 50,000 words, so when I hit that mark, I'll still be writing.  The last day of NANO I will be spending 7-8 hours on the road, which means that I will have plenty of time to type, or that I need to have it done and turned in before then, since internet won't be as readily available. 

Today's Word Goal: 45,000

Today's Word count: 47,036 

Yep, I'm still a day ahead, and I only have 3,000 words to go!  Will I finish before Monday?


Grandma said...

Yes, of course you will finish before Monday. You have a mission to fulfill and you will do it. Today is Saturday and you probably already have your 50,000 words. Have a safe trip home. Love you guys.

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