Mis Escritos Y Pensamientos

When once the itch of literature comes over a man, nothing can cure it but the scratching of a pen. -Samuel Lover

10:59 PM

Day 19

Posted by Christa Joy |

It is two a.m.  Yes, perhaps it's a little late to be writing, but I was on a roll, and when a writer is on a roll, it is best not to stop them.  Since it is so late, I will only share my word counts, but be watching, because some novel news may appear in tomorrow's blog.  Just so you know, I'm very excited about my word count today.  You'll see why.

Yesterday's Word Count: 30,072

Today's Word Goal: 31,667

Today's Word Count: 33,539

Yes, that's 3,500 words in about four hours, actually closer to three.  Also, I've already surpassed tomorrow's word count.  Woohoo for being ahead!


Grandma said...

Keep on keeping on... Congratulations. Those thoughts of yours are working overtime. Love You.

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