Mis Escritos Y Pensamientos

When once the itch of literature comes over a man, nothing can cure it but the scratching of a pen. -Samuel Lover

12:17 AM

Whatever Day It Is

Posted by Christa Joy |

It's late, but I'm writing.  Here's my new synopsis of my novel. 

Sarah is a princess, but she doesn't know it yet. Fairy Tales are for kids, at least that's what Sarah reminds herself. Now is the time to focus on real life, not the stories of knights and princesses. She doesn't have time for such things, because Sarah has a secret. A dark hidden area of Sarah's life has lain untouched for years. Now, on the verge of a heartache, Sarah must face her secret and discover that no matter her past, she will always be a princess.

Word Count: 45,427 (and still writing)


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