Mis Escritos Y Pensamientos

When once the itch of literature comes over a man, nothing can cure it but the scratching of a pen. -Samuel Lover

7:39 PM

Day 14

Posted by Christa Joy |

Today's Word Goal: 23,333

Today's Word Count: 21,676

I'm still a day behind, but I did a bit of other writing as well.  It was inspired by my novel writing, and the fairy tale part is from the novel.  I thought I'd share it with you.

The Parable of the Princess Part 1
Ezekiel 16:1-14

- An excerpt from Sarah: The Story of a Princess

Once upon a time, there lived a girl. This girl was just an average girl, in everyone else’s eyes anyway. In fact, for many who looked at her, she was below average. As a little girl, she had been abandoned, thrown away and disgraced. Still, the girl grew. Her height increased, and even without many opportunities before her, the girl flourished. The girl had grown into a young woman, ready for love, but the question that many a person would ask is, who would love her? Often the girl asked herself the same question. Who would want to love her, a dirty, abandoned, disgraced girl?

One day there passed one who looked upon the girl and saw something more. Even in her averageness they saw something beautiful. This one was a Prince, one of the most honorable kind. The Prince took the girl and promised to make her his princess. This was the last thing that the girl expected, in fact, it was so great, that she doubted that it could even be true. Soon, however, the young woman began to believe the Prince.

One day the prince brought his new princess to the castle. He gave her a bed, something that she had never had for her very own before, and delicious food to eat. When the princess was completely satisfied, the prince ordered a hot bath. There many ladies helped her wash herself, and the anointed her with costly ointments. After the bath, many fine linens arrived to clothe the princess. These were just the things that the young woman had always heard princesses had, and now she was the princess, receiving all of these fine things.

Finally, when all of this was complete, the princess was called into a room. There stood the prince. Slowly, she walked towards him, already humbled by the great things that she had received. What she didn’t realize was that, this was only the beginning. As she stood before him, the prince gave her dresses of grand silk, and fine embroidery. Jewelry followed. Gold, rubies, diamonds, and pearls abounded, covering the Princesses neck, wrists and ears. Then, at last, the prince brought forth a beautiful crown. The princess knelt before the prince, and he slowly placed the crown upon her head.

“I make an everlasting covenant with you,” he declared. “You are my princess, and you shall be forevermore.”

The Meaning of the Parable

We were born into shame. Many of us had parents and family that loved us, cared for us, and we were incredibly blessed, but we were still born into shame. The reason for this is that we were all born with a blight on our lives. Even as little "perfect" babies, we were born with sin.

Still, instead of growing up with this blight, we were offered a way out. God had already made the sacrifice; He had already offered up His life for us. We just had to accept Him and repent of our sin. When we do this, then, Christ makes a covenant with us. "Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved." (Romans 10:13) With this covenant, we become His. "I have redeemed you; I have called you by name. You are mine." (Isaiah 43:1)

He made a covenant with us, and He clothed us. "He has clothed me with the garments of Salvation; He has covered me with the robe of righteousness." (Isaiah 61:10) We were given these things, and what we don't even realize is that this is only the beginning. "And when the chief Shepherd appears, you will receive the unfading crown of glory." (1 Peter 5:4)


Grandma said...

I think this is going to be a great novel. You have given us enough just to peak our interest.
Keep on writing. Love You

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