Mis Escritos Y Pensamientos

When once the itch of literature comes over a man, nothing can cure it but the scratching of a pen. -Samuel Lover

6:36 PM

Week One Done

Posted by Christa Joy |

Today is day seven.  I've been writing for a week.  It doesn't seem like a long time to be writing, but technically, I should be almost 25% of the way done by now.  Haha....

I'm actually writing this before I'm done writing for the day.  Remember that yesterday my word goal was 10,000 words.  That means that today my word count should be at least 11,667 words to remain on target.  My current word count is....

10,401 words

I've still a ways to go, if I'm going to reach the goal by tonight.  I really don't see that happening, but hey, at least I won't be three days behind!


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