Mis Escritos Y Pensamientos

When once the itch of literature comes over a man, nothing can cure it but the scratching of a pen. -Samuel Lover

9:03 PM

Mi Oficina

Posted by Christa Joy |

I enjoy watching The Office. I'm a fairly new fan of the series, having faithfully watched every episode from just this season. However, I am on Season 3 on my Netflix and am faithfully trying to catch up to where I am in this season. It's a fun show with just the right amount of humor. Unfortunately, today I came to a realization.

I work in an office. (That was not the realization.) I'm realizing that once you watch this television show, if you work in an office, you start comparing the things that you do in your office to the aforementioned program.

My office is a great place to work. Of course, just like with any job, there are ups and downs, but the people are great. They keep things entertaining. However, after watching The Office it's difficult to not subconciously make comparisons between the people you work with and the characters on the show. As one coworker called another one today "Our office's Michael." We say these things with no malice in our hearts. It's all in good fun, as we are all fans of the show.

One of my favorite things that comes in my office are the office "pranks." Perhaps the most important one deals with our office friend. His name is Nigel. Nigel is a gnome. Not only is he a gnome, but he is a roaming gnome. He likes to hide around the office. He never means to harm anyone, always with a grin and a waving hand, but still he tends to startle people. There was the time that he was found laying sideways in the microwave. Another instance found him hiding in the "L's" in the filing cabinet. Perhaps we are not as creative as Jim, but still, we like to have our office fun.

I was struck just this week with the comparisons between The Office and actually working in an office. I was sent on a mission this past week. See, he had some birthdays in the office. This could only mean one thing. Party! I was sent out to get party supplies, and I found myself wondering how I had received the privelege of being on the "Party Planning Committee." What an honor.

It's funny the similiarities between sitcoms and real life.


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