Mis Escritos Y Pensamientos

When once the itch of literature comes over a man, nothing can cure it but the scratching of a pen. -Samuel Lover

1:18 PM

Mi Sueño

Posted by Christa Joy |

I have a dream...

and while I am for equality of all kinds, that is not the dream of which I speak. I want to write. Obviously, I am doing so right now, but that's not what I mean. I want to write. I want to be a writer. I have always enjoyed writing, but never was brave enough to put my heart on to paper, as a teenager, at least not so others could see it. I've been afraid of failure, fearing that no one would want to read what I wrote. Writing is a funny thing because, it's not just something that you do for yourself, but it's something that you do for others as well. I want to write, so that people's lives will be different after the read the words. I love to read, and the books I have read have shaped and molded me into the person I am today. I want to help people, the way the books I read helped me.

Unfortunately, there are some obstacles in the way of my dream. One of them is the fact that I have a horrible time finishing anything that I start writing. Even though this has been a problem in the past, I now have someone who won't let me quit when the writing gets hard. So, this is my middle of the year resolution. I WILL finish my novel before I get married. I will also start on the next stories that are in my head. I will also soon decide on the required amount of writing time for each week. I need guidelines and deadlines in order to write, but I can do it. That is how I will achieve my dream.

The End.


Grandma said...

You will be a great writer. What am I saying?
You ARE a great writer. I enjoyed reading your
novel and everything else you write. I just read you writing on 'change' on Facebook. I loved it. It hit home for me. I think God was also telling you to write this for me as well as for yourself. I have been struggling with change but your words have helped me. KEEP UP THE WRITING!!!!!!!!!!

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