Mis Escritos Y Pensamientos

When once the itch of literature comes over a man, nothing can cure it but the scratching of a pen. -Samuel Lover

10:50 AM

Spill it...

Posted by Christa Joy |

Ok, so it's been a while since I wrote, I know. That's ok, because I've actually written, just not here. Goodness, I've been writing and writing like crazy it seems, and there's even more to be done. The good news is....I finished my novel!!! Finally, after starting it in November, I finished! I can't remember the exact amount now, but I think that there were around 67,000 words or so. Whew...I'm glad that's done, because November is fast approaching. Many have asked if I will NANOWRIMO again, and the answer is, "Yes!" I have so much to write, and I work better with deadlines.

So, what else is going through my mind today? Well, I keep thinking about Kanye West. Yes, he was stupid, but I think people are being a little harsh about it. I mean, hundreds of people do much meaner things every day, and they don't get bashed like that. What do you think? Are people being too harsh?


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