Mis Escritos Y Pensamientos

When once the itch of literature comes over a man, nothing can cure it but the scratching of a pen. -Samuel Lover

6:16 PM

Mis Recuerdos

Posted by Christa Joy |

Lately I've been in a rather reminiscent mood, much to the annoyance of my boyfriend who must endure endless, pointless stories about my life. I'm not quite sure what has brought on these thoughtful moments. Perhaps, it's because I feel as if I am about to step into a new phase of life. Maybe the desire to be somewhere else is also causing me to remember previously lived moments. Whatever the case may be, tonight, as I was reading yet another "25 Things About Me" (seriously, the thing is still everywhere) I remembered a moment.

See, I have had what I like to call "movie moments" in my life. This is not because I am such an amazingly astounding person that men fall at my feet with roses, or that I am so athletically proficient that I have won 8 Golds in one Olympics (Way to break my heart, Michael. If you're gonna do drugs, don't get caught on camera). Essentially, I think that these "movie moments" are like small gifts from God, just because He loves me. I call them "moments" because sometimes they last for days, while sometimes it lasts for even less than a second. Each time lasts for a moment, however long that may be. Obviously, the "movie" portion of the name is derived from the moment seeming like it could only happen "in the movies."

Now that I've thoroughly lost you in trying to explain myself...I will share one such moment with you. As a warning, if this nostalgic mood continues, I may have to continue sharing my "movie moments" of life. Tonight's remembrance was a rather short one, although I got to experience the joy of it for awhile. See, I love the ocean, and I love starry nights. They are two ways that I can look and marvel at God's glory. One night, when I was in El Salvador, we stopped at a restaurant. What I didn't know was that this place was on the beach. I hadn't been to the beach yet in our journeys through the country. Also, I had never been to the beach at night. I remember, as we waited for our food to arrive, I joined two others on the beach. There we stood on the black sand, as the waves of the Pacific lapped at our feet. I love the smell and the sounds of the ocean. For a moment I stopped. Then I could hear the next wave coming closer and closer, then the water slowly wrapped around my ankles. In that moment I looked up and saw the stars, the handiwork of God, and I marvelled. I walked up the beach a little ways, learning Spanish from my interpreter, watching the stars, and letting the cool water wash over my toes.

See, sometimes they are just small things, things that no one else will notice, but God gave me my "movie moment". It was His way of saying, "I love you."


Grandma said...

God truly has given you a gift of observation, thinking, and writing. Keep it up. I love your blog.

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