Mis Escritos Y Pensamientos

When once the itch of literature comes over a man, nothing can cure it but the scratching of a pen. -Samuel Lover

9:00 PM

Mi Veinticinco

Posted by Christa Joy |

Right now, all over Facebook is the newest rage. Essentially someone writes 25 random facts about themselves. In my personal opinion this just goes to show how self-centered our culture has become. Seriously, now we can't just write our thoughts for the world to see, but we have to write about ourselves? Don't get me wrong, I love myself. In fact, I believe that it is quite possible that I could come up with the best "25 Things About Me" ever. Not that I'm conceited or anything, cause I'm not, but if I were, my 25 things would go like this....

1. I am incredibly glad that I pierced my nose. It hurt like crazy, but it was worth it. If I ever get engaged, I will take out the nose ring, because I don't want it to be in my wedding pictures.

2. I have been to four countries outside of the United States. Austria was the shortest visit, Canada was where I heard the most complaining (from my brothers), Romania was the hardest to leave, El Salvador is where I most want to return.

3. I love the Spanish language. Sometimes, my brain randomly thinks phrases in Spanish, por ejemplo, "No se," "Tengo una pregunta," o, "No Queiro."

4. My secret dream is to be a Sous Chef. I know it will never happen, because I would never want to work my way up to the top, but it's fun to pretend and dream.

5. I have a fairly recent addiction to Gilmore Girls, and I like to knit while watching them.

6. I have written over 50,000 words in a month. My novel is yet to be finished, because I am a procrastinator.

7. All as I was growing up, I refused to be a teacher, because that's what my mother did. I wanted to do something "on my own." I am now teaching my third semester of a college class.

8. I have, at one time or another, lived with the three girls that are my closest friends.

9. I want to travel to as many places as possible, and learn as many languages as possible, in order to share God's love.

10. I gave my heart away in the Spring of 2008. God filled me with His love like never before, and I will never be the same again.

11. If God ever allows me to have children, I want them to grow up bilingual.

12. I believe with my whole heart that God will one day have me living in another country, that His name may be glorified. (This could also contribute to the completion of #11.)

13. On the night that Bert and I started dating, we escorted a camp of children into a basement because of a tornado, drove through a storm, I broke my foot, and then we were questioned by a policeman at two in the morning. (It was a semi-emotional night.)

14. For some reason, unbeknownst to me, I started calling my brother Keiko when he was little.

15. I want to get my M.A. in English.

16. If I could pick, I would want to have six children one day.

17. I can tell you the exact moment that my eyes were opened to the wonderment of soccer. I was on a bus riding down a dirt road in the middle of Romania, when I saw a bunch of kids in a barren field with a partially round ball, playing the game. That's when it happened.

18. I love Louisa May Alcott. I've read Little Women about 6 times, and wrote a 30 page paper on how her life influenced her writings.

19. I have a grand obsession with kitchenware. I can spend forever in the store looking at appliances, dinning sets, glassware, utensils, etc...I can't wait until I have my own kitchen.

20. A bag of Sterzings, a Pepsi, and a game of cards with Grandma makes me pretty darn happy.

21. I cannot hold up three fingers. My brothers say it's more of a two-and-a-half.

22. When it comes to rules, I like to keep them. It makes me nervous to break rules, or if I think that I might be breaking the rules.

23. At about the age of 11 or 12, there were a few times people came up to me in restaurants and asked if I was Michelle Trachtenberg (Harriet the Spy). I told them no.

24. By the time I was in Second Grade, I had already been to three different schools.

25. Today I saw a bobcat run across the driveway in front of my house.

Interesting, no? You should try it too.


Jessica said...

Six children in one day? Yikes!! Maybe you should move to CA where that lady just had 8.

Thanks for the post. I'll be doing My 25 tomorrow. You've inspired me.

Christa Joy said...

So, when I posted this on my other blog, I realized the grammatical error and changed it, but forgot to change it here, so no. I don't want to have 6 children in one day, just in my life.

Grandma said...

As I said before, I like # 20.
I am curious about # 13. Being out at 2 a.m.!!!

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