I'm not sure how I feel about the ending of stories. I had promised that my story would go far beyond 50,000 words, but I might be wrong. I'm not sure if I'm rushing things or what, but the plot is winding down awfully quickly. We'll see what happens.
Word Count: 49,006
Less than a thousand to go! Off to bed for now, as church is tomorrow.
Hurray for Thanksgiving, family, food, and writing! No writing was done Thursday, but a lot of family time was had. Today (the 27th) was my brother's birthday. That means that there are three days left of NANOWRIMO. Can you believe it? I can't. Now more story is picking up more than ever. There's no way in the world I can finish in only 50,000 words, so when I hit that mark, I'll still be writing. The last day of NANO I will be spending 7-8 hours on the road, which means that I will have plenty of time to type, or that I need to have it done and turned in before then, since internet won't be as readily available.
Today's Word Goal: 45,000
Today's Word count: 47,036
Yep, I'm still a day ahead, and I only have 3,000 words to go! Will I finish before Monday?
It's late, but I'm writing. Here's my new synopsis of my novel.
Sarah is a princess, but she doesn't know it yet. Fairy Tales are for kids, at least that's what Sarah reminds herself. Now is the time to focus on real life, not the stories of knights and princesses. She doesn't have time for such things, because Sarah has a secret. A dark hidden area of Sarah's life has lain untouched for years. Now, on the verge of a heartache, Sarah must face her secret and discover that no matter her past, she will always be a princess.
Word Count: 45,427 (and still writing)
Just because I haven't been blogging, doesn't mean that I haven't been writing. The final stretch is upon me, as last night I crossed 40,000 words. I'm on the last 10,000. My writing is happening even more at night, as I have been spending the days enjoying the holidays, then writing.
Thanks to encouragement from my husband, and also thanks to the grace of God, I'm not behind. In fact, I am two days ahead!
Hopefully, even though I'm ahead, I'll still be able to write, especially as we drive the three hours to my parents's house tomorrow. Here are some numbers for you.
Tuesday's word Goal: 40,000
Wednesday's Word Goal: 41,667
Thursday's Word Goal: 43,333
My Word Count: 43,434!
That's less than 7,000 words to go, before I reach the Word Goal. (Just so you know, there's no way that my story will be done in that amount of words. So, even if I reach 50,000 I'll still be writing.)
It's crunch time. In the next seven days, I need to write 15,000 words to reach the 50,000 word goal! Can it be done? Sure it can. It will be tough, I'm sure. Tomorrow we leave for our week of Thanksgiving break. I'm excited to go, but a smidge worried about having the time and desire to write. We'll see how it goes.
Today's Word Goal: 35,000
Today's Word Count: 35,264 (and still writing)
It's sad that two in the morning is becoming a familiar face at my apartment. Both my husband and I have stayed up late writing lately. (His writing is completely different from mine. Mine's fun. His is scholarly.)
Anyway, I promised to reveal something about the novel. Here it is. Sarah, my main character, has a secret. It's a rather dark secret, and I'm not going to tell you what it is. However, I will say that it is a topic that is rarely addressed in public, although it is becoming more prevalent in today's society. It's an uncomfortable one. Uncomfortable enough that I really did spend a year struggling over whether or not to address it, how to address it, and how much to address.
As I write, this topic is starting to become more prevalent in the story. Soon it will come out boldly slapping the reader in the face perhaps. This makes me writing much more difficult. I prayerfully continue on, asking for guidance in the correct words to use. So, as a warning to those of you who read Sarah's story one day, it's not the lighthearted fun one might suspect from the title.
Today's Word Goal: 33,333
Today's Word Count: 34,637 (I didn't write the 1,667 words needed today, even though I'm still ahead. I'm trying to write extra before leaving for Thanksgiving travels and family. It's the toughest time of the month, as so much great family time is available, but the final day is the Monday that we will be driving back.)
It is two a.m. Yes, perhaps it's a little late to be writing, but I was on a roll, and when a writer is on a roll, it is best not to stop them. Since it is so late, I will only share my word counts, but be watching, because some novel news may appear in tomorrow's blog. Just so you know, I'm very excited about my word count today. You'll see why.
Yesterday's Word Count: 30,072
Today's Word Goal: 31,667
Today's Word Count: 33,539
Yes, that's 3,500 words in about four hours, actually closer to three. Also, I've already surpassed tomorrow's word count. Woohoo for being ahead!
I would like to share with everyone that I am not a man-hater. I'm not. Now, if you asked some of my friends if I were a couple of years ago, they would probably tell you that I was. But "hate" is such a strong word. I, however, still claim that I am not a man-hater. I have many wonderful men in my family. I love them all dearly. I even have guys that are friends. Lastly, and bestly (which is a word that just created) I have a husband, whom I love. He's a pretty nice guy.
Why am I even talking about this? Well, I hate to ruin my story for you, but in my stories, it seems that the men always turn out to be jerks. Ok, let's be honest. I know a couple of jerks (a word that I do not use lightly, just ask my husband). They may or may not be the inspiration for these characters, but the point is, unintentionally my male characters always seem to betray and cheat on the women. Hmmm...I'm sure that some psychologist would have something to say about this. :)
But please, if you happen to read my works, don't assume that I'm a man-hater. Maybe one day I'll write about a woman who is a backstabber. We shall just have to see.
Today's Word Goal: 30,000 (60%)!
Today's Word Count: 30,072
I cannot believe that there are less than half the days left of NANO. Be warned, that NANOWRIMO is kind of like Christmas. It's something that you look forward to a lot, and then you get to participate in all of the fun activities, then the next thing you know it's all over. You then remember that you have a whole year before you get to have the fun again.
But for now, I won't think about that. I'll just enjoy the fun while I can!
Today's Word Goal: 28,333
Today's Word Count: 28,479
In all of my excitement of being on schedule for my writing (or perhaps it was simply my laziness) I didn't start writing until 11:30 this evening. However, only an hour and fifteen minutes later and I have reached my word count goal for the day! Yes, that's over 1,600 words in that amount of time, and yes, I'm on schedule for two days in a row!
Today's Word Goal: 26,667
Today's Word Count: 26,700
We are pretending that today is Sunday, Day 15, when actually, it's 12:43 a.m. Why do I make it any day that I want? Well, it makes me feel like I'm not so far behind. Ladies and Gentlemen, I have good news!
Today's Goal: 25,000
Today's Word Count: 25,032
Doodoodoo!!! (That's the trumpet sounded, a small trumpet)
I have not only caught up to my daily goal, but I have reached the half-way mark!!!! I would throw things in the air and celebrate, but I'm tired. I've already had a little too much excitement for the night (which I attribute to eating cookie dough and watching the Colts pull off an amazing upset!)
Tomorrow (today), when I get up, I can start with a clean slate so to speak. I'm on schedule!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Today's Word Goal: 23,333
Today's Word Count: 21,676
I'm still a day behind, but I did a bit of other writing as well. It was inspired by my novel writing, and the fairy tale part is from the novel. I thought I'd share it with you.
The Parable of the Princess Part 1
Ezekiel 16:1-14
- An excerpt from Sarah: The Story of a Princess
Once upon a time, there lived a girl. This girl was just an average girl, in everyone else’s eyes anyway. In fact, for many who looked at her, she was below average. As a little girl, she had been abandoned, thrown away and disgraced. Still, the girl grew. Her height increased, and even without many opportunities before her, the girl flourished. The girl had grown into a young woman, ready for love, but the question that many a person would ask is, who would love her? Often the girl asked herself the same question. Who would want to love her, a dirty, abandoned, disgraced girl?
One day there passed one who looked upon the girl and saw something more. Even in her averageness they saw something beautiful. This one was a Prince, one of the most honorable kind. The Prince took the girl and promised to make her his princess. This was the last thing that the girl expected, in fact, it was so great, that she doubted that it could even be true. Soon, however, the young woman began to believe the Prince.
One day the prince brought his new princess to the castle. He gave her a bed, something that she had never had for her very own before, and delicious food to eat. When the princess was completely satisfied, the prince ordered a hot bath. There many ladies helped her wash herself, and the anointed her with costly ointments. After the bath, many fine linens arrived to clothe the princess. These were just the things that the young woman had always heard princesses had, and now she was the princess, receiving all of these fine things.
Finally, when all of this was complete, the princess was called into a room. There stood the prince. Slowly, she walked towards him, already humbled by the great things that she had received. What she didn’t realize was that, this was only the beginning. As she stood before him, the prince gave her dresses of grand silk, and fine embroidery. Jewelry followed. Gold, rubies, diamonds, and pearls abounded, covering the Princesses neck, wrists and ears. Then, at last, the prince brought forth a beautiful crown. The princess knelt before the prince, and he slowly placed the crown upon her head.
“I make an everlasting covenant with you,” he declared. “You are my princess, and you shall be forevermore.”
The Meaning of the Parable
We were born into shame. Many of us had parents and family that loved us, cared for us, and we were incredibly blessed, but we were still born into shame. The reason for this is that we were all born with a blight on our lives. Even as little "perfect" babies, we were born with sin.
Still, instead of growing up with this blight, we were offered a way out. God had already made the sacrifice; He had already offered up His life for us. We just had to accept Him and repent of our sin. When we do this, then, Christ makes a covenant with us. "Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved." (Romans 10:13) With this covenant, we become His. "I have redeemed you; I have called you by name. You are mine." (Isaiah 43:1)
He made a covenant with us, and He clothed us. "He has clothed me with the garments of Salvation; He has covered me with the robe of righteousness." (Isaiah 61:10) We were given these things, and what we don't even realize is that this is only the beginning. "And when the chief Shepherd appears, you will receive the unfading crown of glory." (1 Peter 5:4)
Yesterday I mentioned a lot about Little Women. Here is a great music video with clips from the movie, and a song by Bebo Norman. I love both the movie and Bebo. I've seen him a couple of times and one of his songs was sung at my wedding.
Just so you know, I'm writing this blog probably before I finish writing for the day. I went to get it out, just in case my internet stops working (again).
Yesterday's Word Goal: 20,000
Today's Word Goal: 21,667
Actual Word Count: 20,031
I'm still a day behind, but not too worried. Finally, the story is beginning to flow a little better. Thank goodness.
I do not know where my head is. Well, I do right now, but I don't know where it was when I didn't post on Day 11. Please don't think that I've neglected you. All of my days are running together right now, especially since Friday here and still Thursday where many of you live. Yikes. Today (We'll call it Thursday, even though the NANO site reminds me that it's actually Friday) I was trying to reach the word count for Wednesday. (Do you see why all of this is so confusing now?) Remember, I'm a day behind. Here are the numbers, and that's all for today, because I'm still writing.
Day 10 Word Count Goal: 16,667
Day 11 Word Count Goal: 18,333
Day 12 Word Count Goal: 20,000
My Word Count Goal at this moment (whatever day it is): 18,428
Like I said, I'm still writing. If I could write 1,500 more words before I went to bed, I could get up in the morning and be on schedule!!! Aahhh... However, it's almost One here and that probably won't happen.
An extra tidbit for you:
Little Women is one of my favorite books of all time. I adore Alcott, and almost all of her writings (she actually wrote a few morbid murder type stories that I don't like)
Little Women (with Christian Bale, Kirsten Dunst and Winona Ryder) is one of my all time favorite movies.
The Little Women Soundtrack (do you see a pattern here?) from the movie, not the musical, is great! It is also perfect for writing to. I'm so glad I bought it last summer. If you haven't heard it, check some of it out here.
Well folks, today I reached yesterday's goal. I'm still a day behind. I'm not worried, though. I have plenty of time to catch up. Hopefully I'll not be too far behind my Thanksgiving, because writing during all of that family and food time is a little difficult at times.
Today's Word Goal: 16,667
Today's Word Count: 15, 153
Maybe one day I'll catch up and actually give you a run down of what's been going on in the writing. :)
Goodness Glaciers! Today I wrote, I promise I did, but I didn't catch up to my goal. Today's goal was 15,000 words. The fun part is this...
Yesterday's goal was 13,333 words.
My word count for today was: 13,333!
I got the exact amount! What are the odds? That's a first.
As a side note, who can tell me what movie "Goodness Glaciers" is off of?
I was sick again today. No writing...it must all be caught up tomorrow. Boo...
Ok, as a quick follow up to my last post, I kept writing and passed today's goal by ten words.
Total word count: 11,677
Today is day seven. I've been writing for a week. It doesn't seem like a long time to be writing, but technically, I should be almost 25% of the way done by now. Haha....
I'm actually writing this before I'm done writing for the day. Remember that yesterday my word goal was 10,000 words. That means that today my word count should be at least 11,667 words to remain on target. My current word count is....
10,401 words
I've still a ways to go, if I'm going to reach the goal by tonight. I really don't see that happening, but hey, at least I won't be three days behind!
Ok, I'm really not sick. I wasn't feeling well yesterday, and I stayed in bed for awhile today, but even though I'm up and feeling pretty fine right now, I declare today a sick day. Yes, I didn't write at all. Boo... Well, tomorrow I'm spending the day in the library with my husband. He'll study, I'll write. Maybe I'll catch up.
Today's Word Count Goal: 10,000
Today's Actual Word Count: Whatever it was yesterday
Today's word goal: 8,333
Actual word count: 8,400
I shared last years playlist from NANO. The one for this year's novel is still "in progress," but a theme song has indeed been chosen. It's called Beloved, and it's done by Tenth Avenue North. Here are the lyrics.
Love of my life
Look deep in my eyes
There you will find what you need
Give me your life
Lust and the lies
The past you're afraid I might see
You've been running away from me
You're my beloved
Lover I'm yours
Death shall not part us
It's you I died for
For better or worse
Forever we'll be
Our Love it unites us
It binds you to me
It's a mystery
Love of my life
Look deep in my eyes
There you will find what you need
I'm the giver of life
I'll clothe you in whine
My immaculate bride you will be
Oh come running home to me
You're my beloved
Lover I'm yours
Death shall not part us
It's you I died for
For better or worse
Forever we'll be
Our Love it unites us
It binds you to me
Well you've been a mistress, my wife
Chasing lovers it won't satisfy
Won't you let me make you my bride
You will drink of my lips
And you'll taste new life
Cause you're my beloved
Lover I'm yours
Death shall not part us
It's you I died for
For better or worse
Forever we'll be
Our Love it unites us
And it binds you to me
You're my beloved
Forever we'll be
Our love it unites us
And it binds you to me
It's a mystery
It's a mystery
Today's word goal: 6,667
My word count: 6,028
I'm officially behind schedule. At least I kept up for three days.
A NANO saying...
Whenever you delete a sentence in your NaNoWriMo novel, a NaNoWriMo angel loses its wings and plummets, screaming, to the ground.
One of the hard things to remember during NANO is to not delete that paragraph that you hate. After you've reached and surpassed your goal, you can edit later. That mindset is so hard to get into. I write and edit as I do so, but there's no time!!! Words must be compiled!
Today's goal was 5,000 words. I reached 5,242, way to stay just above par!
Sentence of the day:
Sarah preferred to live in the land of reality.
Writing as a smidge easier today, but I also spaced it throughout the day more. I get so frustrated because I am writing, and then asking, "Where's the plot!" "What's the conflict?!?!" I'm done with day two, and the plot seems forever away still. That's ok. I'll just tell myself that I'm like all of those other great British writers who wrote a 500 page novel and the plot didn't start until page 283.
Today's word goal was 3,333. I reached 3,407. I like to reach my goal and cross it just a little. Not too much though, I don't want to make the little word goal look bad.
Oh, and if I remember to do it, I'm going to try and give a sentence of the day. It's just one sentence that I wrote that day. Some days may be thought provoking, others will just be odd. Usually they probably won't make any sense at all, but maybe it will be a smidge entertaining.
Today's Sentence:
How about Taco Paco?
Well, folks...the first day of NANO is almost over. Hopefully my fellow writers have reached their goal of 1,667 words today. It's so easy to skip a day and say that you'll make it up, but when you have to write 3,333 in a day instead of half that, well, you can see that it adds up quickly.
I didn't start writing until 7:30 or so. I was completely daunted by the large task before me. However, two hours later, I've reached 1,700 words. Hurray for reaching my daily goal! Last year I remember the first day's goal was easy, in fact, I surpassed it by several hundred words. This was not the case today. The story is already coming much slower than I had anticipated. Hopefully tomorrow will be easier. Anyway, we're off!
About Me
- Christa Joy
- Marriage and motherhood is an adventure; one that I have embarked on. Even though I graduated with a degree in English, I am currently a stay at home wife/mom. I love to write, cook, read, and many other things. I know that God is faithful, no matter what stage of life I am in, so I rely on Him. Por siempre Dios es fiel!