1. Do you like bleu cheese?NO! Actually I don't think that I've ever had it.
2. Have you ever been drunk? No I have not
3. Do you own a gun? Not me personally, no
4. What flavor of Kool Aid was your favorite? I didn't like Kool Aid, but if I had to drink it, I always went with a red color.
5. Do you get nervous before doctor appointments? Usually, yes, cause I don't like needles
6. What do you think of hot dogs? Yummy! Especially with Mac and cheese, or with Cheese inside!
7. Favorite Christmas movie? Charlie Brown Christmas
8. What do you prefer to drink in the morning? Sweet Tea, the same as any other time of the day
9. Can you do push up? Maybe? Kind of?
10. What's your favorite piece of jewelry? my chasity ring, and my diamond necklace, and my pearls
11. Favorite hobby? writing, reading, cooking, knitting, watching television, hanging out with friends, antiquing...
12. Do you have A.D.D.? No, I'm just spacey sometimes
13. What's your favorite shoe? That is tough...flip flops in the summer?
14. Middle name? Joy
15. Name 3 thoughts at this exact moment? How did I give myself a bloody nose? I want lunch. I hope the basketball games are fun today.
16. Name 3 drinks you regularly drink? Sweet Tea, Pepsi, and Mountain Dew
17. Current worry? just general worries about the future, jobs, etc...
18. Current hate right now? how my nose kind of hurts. Hate is such a strong word.
19. Krispy Kreme, Dunkin', or Timmy Ho's? I don't really like donuts
20. How did you bring in the New Year? With Bert and my brothers watching the ball drop
21. Where would you like to go? Everywhere....Spain, England, Italy, France, Ireland, Argentina, Brazil, Germany, Russia, China, Japan, Honduras, Mexico, Canada, Grandma and Grandpa's, and Grandma's, Florida
22. Name three people who will complete this? I refuse
23. Do you own slippers? Yes! my FSU ones that Sandee gave me...they are my favorites ever!!!!
24. What color shirt are you wearing right now? Red hoody
25. Do you like satin sheets? No. They are too slippery
26. Can you whistle? yes
27. Favorite color? red, green, blue, or black
28. Would you be a pirate? I would dress and talk like one, but not steal like one
29. What songs do you sing in the shower? I don't sing in the shower
30. Favorite Girl's Name? Natalie Joy
31. Favorite boy's name? William Jeremiah
32. What's in your pocket right now? nothing
33. Last thing that made you laugh? I'm not sure, but something at girl's night last night
34. Best bed sheets as a child? Holly Hobbies
35. Worst injury you've ever had as a child? I don't think I was injured as a child, badly. I fell into a pool when I was young
36. Do you love where you live? Love is such a strong word, but it's ok.
37. Revenge of the Nerds or Fast Times at Ridgemont High? I don't even know what you are saying to me.
38. Who is your loudest friend? I don't have a "loudest". We are all pretty loud at times.
39. How many dogs do you have? 4
40. Does someone have a crush on you? Yes, my boyfriend
41. What is your favorite book? That is a question that you never ask an English major.
42. What is your favorite candy? I'm not really into candy, but I like nerds, gobstoppers, and runts
43. Favorite Sports Team? FSU!, St. Louis Cardinals, Colts
44. What song do you want played at your funeral? I don't care
45. What is the farthest you have been from home? Galati, Romania
46. Do you have a special talent? I can flip my eyelids inside out...does that count?
47. Where were you born? Kirksville, Mo
48. Whose are you looking forward to getting back? Anyone who will do it.
I love music, like most people in the world. However, I don’t have as much musical knowledge as the average person. I’m horrible at remembering band names and song titles. For some reason, lately, I’ve been in musical desert. My many songs on my computer have sat dormant for about two months. Even turning the radio on in my car is a rare occurrence. I’m not sure about the cause of this, but I hope that my dry spell is coming to an end. Music makes life more exciting.
Something that makes my musical tastes… “odd” is that I listen to music that most people don’t listen to. For instance, how many people actually know who Oliver James is? His two songs that have been recorded, are in my top favorites.
I also love soundtracks. No, not the average musical soundtrack from Wicked or Hairspray…I’m talking about soundtracks from more obscure movies. In my playlists I have the soundtracks from “A Cinderella Story”, “A Goofy Movie”, “Anastasia”, “Tarzan”, “Beauty and the Beast”, and “The Prince of Egypt”. All of these have great music, and still, few listen to them. So, if you’d like to try a little something different. I would recommend any of the above.
This weekend promises to be the best weekend ever...
Saturday is Valentine's Day, so for all of the happy, romantic people, or people who just love chocolate, you have this day.
For those who hate Valentine's Day, you have Friday the 13th, which is the opening day of the new "Friday 13th" movie.
Lately I've been in a rather reminiscent mood, much to the annoyance of my boyfriend who must endure endless, pointless stories about my life. I'm not quite sure what has brought on these thoughtful moments. Perhaps, it's because I feel as if I am about to step into a new phase of life. Maybe the desire to be somewhere else is also causing me to remember previously lived moments. Whatever the case may be, tonight, as I was reading yet another "25 Things About Me" (seriously, the thing is still everywhere) I remembered a moment.
See, I have had what I like to call "movie moments" in my life. This is not because I am such an amazingly astounding person that men fall at my feet with roses, or that I am so athletically proficient that I have won 8 Golds in one Olympics (Way to break my heart, Michael. If you're gonna do drugs, don't get caught on camera). Essentially, I think that these "movie moments" are like small gifts from God, just because He loves me. I call them "moments" because sometimes they last for days, while sometimes it lasts for even less than a second. Each time lasts for a moment, however long that may be. Obviously, the "movie" portion of the name is derived from the moment seeming like it could only happen "in the movies."
Now that I've thoroughly lost you in trying to explain myself...I will share one such moment with you. As a warning, if this nostalgic mood continues, I may have to continue sharing my "movie moments" of life. Tonight's remembrance was a rather short one, although I got to experience the joy of it for awhile. See, I love the ocean, and I love starry nights. They are two ways that I can look and marvel at God's glory. One night, when I was in El Salvador, we stopped at a restaurant. What I didn't know was that this place was on the beach. I hadn't been to the beach yet in our journeys through the country. Also, I had never been to the beach at night. I remember, as we waited for our food to arrive, I joined two others on the beach. There we stood on the black sand, as the waves of the Pacific lapped at our feet. I love the smell and the sounds of the ocean. For a moment I stopped. Then I could hear the next wave coming closer and closer, then the water slowly wrapped around my ankles. In that moment I looked up and saw the stars, the handiwork of God, and I marvelled. I walked up the beach a little ways, learning Spanish from my interpreter, watching the stars, and letting the cool water wash over my toes.
See, sometimes they are just small things, things that no one else will notice, but God gave me my "movie moment". It was His way of saying, "I love you."
About Me
- Christa Joy
- Marriage and motherhood is an adventure; one that I have embarked on. Even though I graduated with a degree in English, I am currently a stay at home wife/mom. I love to write, cook, read, and many other things. I know that God is faithful, no matter what stage of life I am in, so I rely on Him. Por siempre Dios es fiel!