Mis Escritos Y Pensamientos

When once the itch of literature comes over a man, nothing can cure it but the scratching of a pen. -Samuel Lover

10:00 PM

Here We Go Again

Posted by Christa Joy |

With such a new look, I must work at writing more often.  Writing for my other blog regularly is hard enough.  Still, I am a writer, and so many thoughts and situations flow through me life every day.  Why not share them?  If anything, people can spend a moment in my life to escape the excitement of their own for just a few minutes.

I think I write in spurts for a few reasons.  One, is that after the push for 50,000 words in November, I get rather burnt out.  Speaking of Novel #2, sadly, it is still not finished and I don't suspect that it will be anytime soon.  See, the last 1,000 words or so that I wrote are on my other computer.  Yes, Roonwit (named after a centaur from Narnia) is out of commission.  My husband is the computer guru, but with his going to school full-time, and now his working part-time, I hate to ask him for the precious time it would take to revive him (the computer I mean.)  I just can't bring myself to work on the novel without the last 1,000 words.  In truth, I don't even remember what happened in the last 1,000 words.  So, until my novel is rescued from the belly of the sleeping monster, it shall remain as it is, incomplete.  Perhaps you could pray for a miracle.


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