Mis Escritos Y Pensamientos

When once the itch of literature comes over a man, nothing can cure it but the scratching of a pen. -Samuel Lover

7:26 AM

The Era of 3-D

Posted by Christa Joy |

Last night, I went on a date. That last time I went on an official date I got engaged. I wasn't expecting this night to compare to the last date, but I didn't expect it to be as good as it was. See...,in my personal opinion, I had an experience last night that I had always wanted, but never thought I would experience.

I don't know if I'm making much sense. See, we went to the movies last night. I had never seen a movie in 3-D, so we decided to go see Monsters Vs. Aliens in 3-D. We got to the theatre, and let me tell you, I love 3-D movies. I thought that it would give me a headache, but it was pretty exciting. Yes, I get very excited about something as small as 3-D. Have you noticed how many movies are now in 3-D? I think that we've come to that stage in time that all of those old sci-fi books and movies portrayed. It is the era of 3-D.

Even better than the 3-D movie was the fact that Bert and I were the ONLY ones in the whole theatre. I had never had a whole theatre to myself before. It was pretty much amazing, and possibly the best movie going experience I have ever had, or ever will have. I think that it even beat out those midnight previews of movies, and the debut I went to in Memphis where the voice actors of the cartoon characters were actually there at the showing.

So, last night didn't beat that last date, but it definitely ranks up there with ice skating at Christmas, and having the whole rink to ourselves. If you haven't seen a movie in 3-D, go! And if you EVER have the chance to get a theatre all to yourself...take it! You don't have to worry about other people bothering you, or you bothering other people. It's pretty much amazing.

6:22 PM

Back Off...It's British.

Posted by Christa Joy |

Some people like to correct the grammar, spelling, pronunciation, etc...of other people. I do that many a time. Heck, I get paid to do that, but what I do not appreciate is when people try to correct me in these areas only because they do not understand what they are talking about.

For some incredibly weird reason, my natural tendency is to write with a British English. I first discovered this when a teacher edited my paper in college. She said, "Well, this is right, only if you are in England." So, I "learned" to write the American way, which I don't know why I didn't learn in the first place. However, in my own writings, I still write the way that they do "across the pond".

The last sentence is one example of the British rules. American grammar requires that the period be inside of the quotation marks. British English has the period on the outside.

Another large difference is the spelling. Which way do you spell these words?


So, just because it may look wrong to you, doesn't mean that it's incorrect English.

Posted by Christa Joy |

If this blog were my child, I would be a bad parent. It is sorely neglected. However, inspired by my faithful cousin, I will make a valiant effort to be a better writer.

I was struck with some sad news today. http://www.connecttristates.com/news/news_story.aspx?id=289324

Obviously the infamous Four Corners was originally surveyed incorrectly. The monument is actually 2.5 miles away from the actual "four corners". Having been to this place, I hold to my belief that I actually stood in four different states at the same time, just as I believe that Pluto is a planet! See what reading the news gets you?
