March Madness, oh I love thee. You're a fickle lover, however. One moment I'm on cloud nine, and then, and then...I'm heartbroken. Still, no matter how often I become angry or frustrated, I keep coming back to you. When will the turmoil end? Well, usually it subsides sometime around May, after I've had time to come down from a joyous championship, or rebound from another loss. Then December comes and that's when I begin to feel the promise that you're coming back. Around and around you go, but no matter how much I want to protect myself from the madness, I can't help it. So, here we go again.
Go Wildcats!
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About Me
- Christa Joy
- Marriage and motherhood is an adventure; one that I have embarked on. Even though I graduated with a degree in English, I am currently a stay at home wife/mom. I love to write, cook, read, and many other things. I know that God is faithful, no matter what stage of life I am in, so I rely on Him. Por siempre Dios es fiel!

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