Mis Escritos Y Pensamientos

When once the itch of literature comes over a man, nothing can cure it but the scratching of a pen. -Samuel Lover

8:46 AM

Freedom Filled Eyes

Posted by Christa Joy |

The scenery was beautiful as we drove along the Ohio River. Tree covered bluffs lined part of the area, while grassy fields covered the rest. Several expensive looking homes were viewed, as well as some plantations.

We passed one older plantation. While we were driving by we looked at it and noticed out back, the old slave quarters. It is not too uncommon to find such places, as many plantations dating back to before the Civil War are still in existence. I, myself, have seen several old plantations including house, fields, barns, slave quarters, outdoor kitchens, and so forth. So, it wasn’t that which got me to thinking.

Before the Civil War, Kentucky was a slave state. As everyone who knows their United States History knows, some states deemed it legal to own slaves, while other states did not. These “Free States” were safe havens for many years if a slave could escape to them. Traffic on the Underground railroad was especially heavy in those border states, ones that touched the Free States. As I reviewed my history lessons in my mind, I realized that, while Kentucky was a Slave State, Indiana was a Free State.

When I looked to my left, I could see a place where the slaves were kept, but when I turned my head to the right, I saw Indiana. Whoever lived in that slave dwelling was able to step out of their door every morning and see freedom right in front of them.

I don’t know the actual story of the person or persons who lived in that small building, but I did begin to wonder. What did they think, living their lives as slaves, seeing freedom right in front of them every day? Did they try to reach freedom? Were they content with being where they were? Was it agonizing for them to be so close, but not there?

Even now, we are faced with the exact same situation. Humans are slaves, Jesus says this in John chapter 8, “...everyone who commits sin is a slave to sin.” Romans 3:23 reminds us that “All have sinned...” So, everyone is a slave. Thankfully, there is freedom from this slavery, and it’s right before our eyes. Jesus said that, “The truth will set you free.” What is this truth? It’s the truth that Jesus’ blood covers our sin, and He extends His grace to us, to offer us freedom from sin.

Yet, there is a problem. So many people are living as slaves in a cramped area. Freedom is right in front of their eyes. Some people see it, wishing that they could get there, but never believing that it is possible, even though a way has already been made. Others try to reach that freedom, but they do it on their own. Jesus said, “No one comes to the Father, except by Me.” We can’t reach freedom on our own. Even worse is the fact that many people convince themselves that they are content with where they are. They don’t realize the beauty of freedom. Instead, they settle for enslavement, when the joys of freedom are right before them.

Freedom is right in front of you. Don’t let it just fill your eyes, be free.

10:50 AM

Spill it...

Posted by Christa Joy |

Ok, so it's been a while since I wrote, I know. That's ok, because I've actually written, just not here. Goodness, I've been writing and writing like crazy it seems, and there's even more to be done. The good news is....I finished my novel!!! Finally, after starting it in November, I finished! I can't remember the exact amount now, but I think that there were around 67,000 words or so. Whew...I'm glad that's done, because November is fast approaching. Many have asked if I will NANOWRIMO again, and the answer is, "Yes!" I have so much to write, and I work better with deadlines.

So, what else is going through my mind today? Well, I keep thinking about Kanye West. Yes, he was stupid, but I think people are being a little harsh about it. I mean, hundreds of people do much meaner things every day, and they don't get bashed like that. What do you think? Are people being too harsh?
