Have you ever felt like you were on a road to nowhere. This was a common feeling in my family. As we were growing up we would often get in the car and "go for a drive." The phrase I remember hearing the most came from my dad. "I wonder where that road goes." So, down the road we would go...off to discover the path on which it would lead us. Sometimes, after endless turns and hills, it would feel as if we were actually on a road to nowhere.
It seems, at times, that my paths in life are really just roads to nowhere. Sure, God might have directed, "Take this road," but as I've gone over hills and around corners, always expecting the destination to be right there, it begins to appear that I'm really on the road to nowhere. Confusion sets in, and I begin to question God.
"Why am I on this road? I'm just wasting time. Where is the end? Am I there yet?"
A few days ago, I spent some time traveling up and down dirt roads. I was with a disaster relief team, looking for people in need of assistance after a tornado had touched down the week before. The day had been a long one, and as we turned down one of those other "roads to nowhere" my mind turned to heading home. Again we saw the telltale signs of the damage left behind by the tornado. We passed a house with a large tree down in the yard and a man sitting on his front porch. Turning around, we pulled into the driveway and introduced ourselves. The man's name was Dennis.
Dennis had been home in his basement when the tornado had hit. He had been there with family members, and even though his house was still standing, it was becoming increasingly evident that it had moved. Foundations were cracked, and doors didn't shut like they used to. We talked with Dennis and listened a lot. Although it had already been a week since the storm, we were reminded how disaster affects people for a long time afterwards. He was still visibly emotional. As we listened to Dennis, I prayed, while my Dad talked.
As far as we know, Dennis doesn't know Jesus. We shared with him about forgiveness and how God loves him. When we handed him a Bible and a tract, he shared that he wasn't much of a reader. I looked back as we pulled out of the driveway, and watched as Dennis picked up the Bible and tract we had left and was beginning to look at them.
This road to nowhere had actually led us to somewhere, or should I say, someone. We weren't expecting to meet Dennis that day, but God led us to him. So, when it seems like you are on a road to nowhere, just keep going. If God has put you on that path, there is a reason for it. It may seem like a road to nowhere, but there is a destination to be reached, and just maybe, a Dennis to share with.
I'm one of those people who likes to see what I was doing a year ago at this time. College graduation this week, was one of those times that really brought back those "year ago" memories. I think back to my graduation, only a year ago, but so much has changed.
1. Last year, my grandpa was at my graduation. I remember that he didn't stay long for my party, because he wasn't feeling well. This year, he couldn't be better, because he's home.
2. Last year, I was moving home without a job, and no prospects for any type of future in the career world. This year, I'm back at home, having moved away,and returned again. As far as career prospects go...well the future is still wide open, although now, I have a year of office experience as well as a year of experience teaching at the college level. That pretty much blows my mind.
3. Last year, I was beginning a long journey of healing from past hurts. This year, God has brought be so far, and continues to grow and heal me.
4. Last year, in fact, this year last week, I obeyed God. I was completely honest with one of my best friends, telling him that I had a crush on him. He told me that the feeling was not mutual. This year, I am planning my wedding, to the same friend. :)
The lesson I know I've shared over and over is the one that I keep learning over and over. Por siempre Dios es fiel! Forever God is faithful. No matter what comes through the changing of time, good or bad, God is still God. In Him I can trust.
About Me
- Christa Joy
- Marriage and motherhood is an adventure; one that I have embarked on. Even though I graduated with a degree in English, I am currently a stay at home wife/mom. I love to write, cook, read, and many other things. I know that God is faithful, no matter what stage of life I am in, so I rely on Him. Por siempre Dios es fiel!